COVID-19 and sleep
Many people who have recovered from COVID-19 have reported an incidence of insomnia, but sleep may also be the answer to prevent the symptoms of “long COVID”.
insomnia. Image Credit: Tero Vesalainen /
Discover the link between melatonin and COVID-19
After witnessing the same Coronavirus Feixiong Cheng of the Learner Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, which was previously permanent in China and Saudi Arabia, understood the rapid transmission of the coronavirus. It is ruining the economy and threatening human health. Therefore, as soon as COVID-19 began to spread, Chen began investigating the structure of the COVID-19 virus and predicting how to invade human cells with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Soon, Chen and his team discovered an interesting link that melatonin, a hormone involved in sleep regulation, may have the ability to block the virus.
After publishing his work, scientists around the world began contacting Chen to support his preliminary findings, and melatonin is notorious for its role in sleep, but it is also important for calibrating the immune system. Emphasized that it is known. This function is essential for the progression of COVID-19 cases. Melatonin is the key to maintaining self-defense reactions and preventing them from becoming out of sync. This affects the trajectory of the disease and can lead to mild to life-threatening symptoms. -Threatening.
With additional support, Chen was motivated to continue the study, and in a large study whose results were published in December 2020, Chen further supports the role of melatonin in the results of COVID-19 cases. Produced evidence. He found that people taking melatonin were significantly less likely to die of COVID-19. Around this time, other researchers began to produce similar results, further supporting the important role of melatonin in COVID-19.
When this study was published, some experts began recommending that you start taking melatonin supplements, which are widely available in the United States, immediately to protect yourself in the event of COVID-19 infection. I did. However, Chen emphasized that melatonin is a hormone that has serious effects on the central nervous system and should not be underestimated.
Instead, he and other scientists examined what underlies the link between melatonin and COVID-19. Given the increasing amount of physical data showing that insomnia is common in people recovering from COVID-19, Chen influences the outcome of COVID-19, not melatonin, the hormone that regulates this function. Suggested that it may be giving.
Is sleep the answer to COVID-19?
“COVID-somnia” was created in the summer of 2020 to explain the impact of the pandemic on people’s sleep. Data around the world reveal that the majority of the population is experiencing sleep disorders. This was believed to be primarily due to serious, long-term concerns caused by the pandemic, such as financial and health concerns, as well as psychological tensions. Of quarantine. In 2020, the British Sleep Association reported that less than half of the UK people were getting “refreshing sleep.”
The psychological effects of a pandemic are very real, and sleep disorders are a promising result of long-term stress, ‘COVID-Dream‘ It may not just reflect this. People who have recovered from COVID-19 have unexplained symptoms. The disease, which affects the central nervous system, causes many symptoms in people who have recovered, including brain fog, altered attention, debilitating headaches, weakness, and most often insomnia.
It can be assumed that the high rate of insomnia is associated with the stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic, but many people suffering from insomnia after recovering from COVID-19 have a significant level of anxiety. And have not reported any concerns. Will explain the emergence of sleep disorders.
Doctors often postCOVID19 Symptoms What is called a “long COVID” is associated with an autoimmune response and is common after infection with other viruses. However, while the symptoms resulting from the autoimmune response occur in a predictable pattern, the symptoms after COVID-19 occur sporadically and can occur even after mild cases, so the timescale is different. I will.
It has been hypothesized that the symptoms after COVID-19 are due to accidental inflammation from a condition known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition includes many types of cytotoxicity or misunderstandings. Damage to cells can in some cases result from long-term low levels of oxygen deficiency. In other cases, it is associated with an inflammatory process that alters a functioning go neural network.
Unfortunately, myalgic encephalomyelitis is poorly understood and misrepresented. Diagnosis and treatment options are unreliable due to a lack of understanding of the condition.
However, in the case of myalgic encephalomyelitis, the sleep cycle can be disrupted, but scientists have not found evidence that this is irreversible, and some scientists have post-infection inflammation. We are exploring the use of sleep itself to reverse the effects of the process. Therefore, getting enough sleep can minimize the risk of developing myalgic encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 infection. However, more research is needed to conclude the nature of the relationship between sleep, COVID-19, and melatonin.
- Kim, H., Hegde, S., LaFiura, C., Raghavan, M., Luong, E., Cheng, S., Rebholz, C. and Seidelmann, S., 2021. Sleep-related COVID-19 illness and burnout. BMJ nutrition, prevention, health, Pp.bmjnph-2021-000228.
- Partinen, M., 2021. 2020 Sleep Studies: COVID-19-related sleep disorders. Lancet Neurology, 20 (1), pp.15-17. /…/ fulltext
- Zhou, Y., Wang, F., Tang, J., Nussinov, R. , & Cheng, F. (2020) COVID-19 Artificial intelligence in drug diversion. Lancet Digital Health, 2(12), e667-e676. /…/ fulltext
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