Government reports show increased reliability of vaccines among ethnic minority groups
- When the government publishes a third report on the COVID-19 inequality, the Minister of Equality and hero GP Dr. Farzana Hussain jointly call on everyone to be vaccinated when the vaccine is provided.
- Evidence shows that vaccine confidence is steadily increasing among ethnic minorities.
- This follows flexible vaccine delivery, targeted communication from governments and health professionals, and partnerships with broadcasters.
The call is due to data showing that government action has steadily increased confidence in the vaccine and that 93% of adults report positive feelings about the vaccine. However, some groups are still unlikely to get a jab. Thirty percent of black or black British adults reported vaccine repellent, the highest compared to all ethnic groups.
The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization prioritizes people based on age, with older people being vaccinated first. Due to the large number of older people in the UK’s white population, a higher proportion of people have already been vaccinated when compared to ethnic minority groups. As the vaccine is deployed to the younger age group, the government will continue its targeted actions to ensure that ethnic minority people are willing to take jabs.
Minister of Equality Chemi Badenoch said:
“We are taking the important steps necessary to protect families, communities and countries from the tragedy of COVID-19. Our positive progress in vaccine deployment and promotion of confidence in vaccines is , A relentless effort from religious leaders, voluntary groups, and NHS working together in all communities to reverse the flow of COVID-19.
“We are not complacent. We will continue to work on dangerous disinformation and work with trusted partners to increase confidence in the vaccine and ensure that everyone can take jabs when the vaccine is provided.
“Vaccines are the key to unleashing a return to normal life, and the government will continue to do everything it can to ensure that everyone can be vaccinated with confidence.”
During the pandemic, hero GP Dr. Farzana Hussain holds the key to fighting the virus, including online campaigns, misinformation rants, and personal phone calls to a large number of patients who have not yet taken jabs.
“It is very important that everyone be vaccinated. Unless we are all protected, no one will be protected.
“The vaccine is very safe. It has been tried by hundreds of thousands of volunteers by world-leading scientists and is now inoculated millions of times in the UK alone. Take a jab when provided. I recommend it to everyone. “
In addition, the Minister of Equality today issued a third-quarter report to the Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Social Welfare on the progress made in understanding and addressing the COVID-19 disparities experienced by individuals in ethnic minority groups. I will.
The report shows the swift and flexible actions taken by the government to protect people so that when a vaccine program is deployed, everyone can safely obtain the vaccine without being stigmatized. It has become.
Dr. Masood Ahmed, Chief Medical Officer of the Black Country and West Birmingham CCG, said:
“We have a strong and resilient community and have been able to address vaccine repellent by connecting with people, listening to fears and having meaningful conversations to reduce barriers. Is the key to long-term sustainable solutions to address wider health inequalities.
“It is very important to share the learning to understand and address the health inequality emphasized by COVID-19. We have had some success in reaching people and communities, but still more. I have the opportunity to do that. “
Dr. Rohini Matur, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine, said:
“This report highlights the positive impact of increasing vaccine reliability in ethnic minority groups across the UK and is socio-economically, geographically and health-related in explaining the disparities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It points out the importance of understanding the complex interactions between the factors of. “
More information:
The report shows the next steps:
- The Minister of Equality will share the findings of her third quarter report with the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization.
- The Department of Health (DHSC) reviews the experience of front-line healthcare professionals and considers how to apply the findings of the UK-REACH study.
- NHS England’s public data on ethnic vaccination needs to be further subdivided to provide a cohort of vaccine priority groups and proportions of vaccination by gender. This should include an assessment of unknown ethnic levels and how this affects the interpretation of vaccination intake by different ethnic groups.
- The NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) needs to publish data on the use of the NHSCOVID-19 app by various ethnic groups. This will notify you of activities to increase app uptake and continued use.
- DHSC and NHS need to further investigate practical barriers to ethnic vaccination in order to assess and address gaps in intention and behavior.
- The DHSC needs to ensure that NHS organizations and GPs are provided with clear guidance and protocols on how to request ethnicity and record health records.
- The RDU will work with the Bureau of Statistics and Regulatory on priorities for improving the quality of ethnic data in health records, including harmony, robustness and reliability, and will leverage the expertise of others as necessary. Must be reported in the final quarterly report.
- Minister for Equality and COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Minister will focus on promoting vaccination over the next three months and encouraging asymptomatic testing, especially for people in high-risk occupations, as the sector reopens. We will continue the initiative program that focuses on.
- As the COVID-19 vaccine continues to roll out, the government’s Vaccine Trust Campaign aims to inform, educate, and empower people between the ages of 18 and 50 to vaccinate. The tagline “Every Vaccination Gives Us Hope” allows you to create content in an optimistic tone with the goal of reaching and persuading younger audiences, including ethnic minority groups.
- At each stage of the government roadmap to break out of the blockade, coordinated guidance and communication will continue to be shared through communities and media channels to maximize reach and impact.
- To promote the spread of the vaccine, the government prioritized communication with ethnic minorities throughout the United Kingdom. This includes:
- Partnerships with 12 community radio stations delivering important vaccine messages to 1.5 million people in 13 different languages.
- Television partnerships with 21 multicultural TV networks. Forty-three TV stations serve 30-second ads in nine languages, delivering to approximately 3 million people each week.
- A social media campaign by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports to address fake vaccine information. It is shared with more than 4 million people through communities and local networks and is delivered to people with ethnic minority backgrounds.
- Ethnic minority medical professionals who promote facts about vaccines and dispel myths online. More than 330,000 videos about vaccine halal have reached, including a series of videos with Dr. Amir Khan, a general practitioner in Yorkshire.
- A program of ministerial involvement, including a roundtable meeting between black African and black Caribbean religious leaders and the GP. We recognize the important role that the Church plays in promoting vaccination among the congregation.
- Celebrities and influencers, including British Bake Offstar Nadiya Hussain, to support the NHS COVID-19 vaccine drive.
- An NHS-backed short film based on an open letter signed by Sir Lenny Henry and various celebrities encouraging black adults in the UK to make informed decisions about vaccines.
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