What we know about blood clots, side effects and risks
What do regulators say?
A review by the EMA Safety Commission concluded that the AstraZeneca vaccine “abnormal blood clots low in platelets should be described as a very rare side effect.”
Emer Cooke, EMA Secretary-General, said: “The risk of death from Covid is much greater than the risk of death from these side effects.”
MHRA said vaccines have great advantages in preventing Covid-19 and serious illnesses, but because the number of blood clots in young people is very low. Under 40 years old Instead, a Pfizer or Moderna jab is provided.
Dr. June Raine, Chief Executive Officer of MHRA, added: “People who have symptoms more than 4 days after vaccination should seek prompt medical advice. New onset of severe or persistent headache or visual impairment, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the legs, persistent Abdominal pain, or actually abnormal skin bruise, or pinpoint spots beyond the injection site. “
How did other countries react?
Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Canada have restricted the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in young people. Italy and Spain stopped using jabs under the age of 60.
Denmark announced on April 14 that it will completely discontinue the use of the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. It is based on association with very rare cases of thrombosis, decisions based on low levels of Covid-19 in the country, and attention to rare side effects. ..
The decision to remove shots from the Danish vaccination program, at least for now, could delay national vaccination Vaccine deployment Up to 4 weeks based on a previous statement by the Health Organization.
France states that people under the age of 55 who first took AstraZeneca need to get another vaccine a second time... Olivier Véran, Minister of Health of the State, said the new advice should be to use the Modana and Pfizer vaccines for the second vaccination.
Spain studies the effects of different mixes The coronavirus vaccine was mentioned by government researchers on April 19 in response to changes in the guidelines on the safety of AstraZeneca injections.
Australia has also doubled orders for the Pfizercovid-19 vaccine to compete for a review of vaccination plans over concerns about the risk of blood clots from the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Many of the decisions to limit the use of jabs should also be seen in situations where there is access to other jabs and the incidence of Covid is low.
What does AstraZeneca say?
In March of this year, AstraZeneca analyzed a database that “these very rare cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelet count) are naturally expected in a population of millions. “Whether it happens more commonly than” he said. ..
Meanwhile, on April 6, the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine trial in children was suspended, but scientists concerned said the trial itself had no safety concerns and was waiting for further information from the MHRA. Said.
In response to these concerns, a study at the University of Oxford examined the incidence of blood clots in the brains of coronavirus patients and AstraZeneca recipients, and coronavirus-induced cerebral thrombosis is an 8 risk posed by AstraZeneca jab. It turned out to be double.
Sir John Bell, a professor of medicine at Oxford University, said he expects all vaccines to have “some background-level coagulation problems.” Professor Bell further stated that data on this issue have been collected for further study.
What about Johnson and Johnson’s vaccines and blood clots?
U.S. regulators have suspended the deployment of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Two weeks after receiving the jab, six suffered a blood clot and one died. Regulators said the decision was based on “adequate caution” and resumed the use of jabs after a safety review.
The decision is already felt more broadly: the company has delayed the shipment of vaccines to Europe. And South Africa has decided to stop using the AstraZeneca vaccine. New variant, We also suspended the campaign.
April 20, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said there It was a possible link Between Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine and rare blood clots, but said the benefits of the J & J vaccine far outweigh the risks and further research will continue.
What are the side effects of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine?
The AstraZeneca vaccine includes: Side effects What can occur after a jab: tenderness, pain, warmth, itching, bruising, generally feeling sick, tired, chills, fever, headache, feeling sick (nausea), joint pain, muscle pain.
Ian Douglas, a professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Economics and Tropical Medicine, explains that these side effects are “quite common” and occur in more than 1 in 10 vaccinated people. doing.
When should I see a doctor?
Some people will experience the side effects of jabs, but experts say that certain symptoms can be a sign of a more serious condition that requires immediate treatment.
Professor Beverley Hunt, medical director of the charity Thrombosis UK, said that thrombosis of the head can manifest itself as a very severe headache.
“I’ve seen patients with thrombosis in the head or abdomen about four days after vaccination,” she said.
“I think it’s very important to tell people that many people have the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine and usually settle by the 4th or 5th day.
“We saw people on the fourth day who had the worst headaches they’ve ever had and who had proven to have thrombosis in the vena cava of the head.”
What are the factors that increase the risk of blood clots?
Blood clots are rare in young and healthy people. Below is a list of factors that can make them more general, but whether these factors are involved in post-vaccination events, which are certain types of blood clots that occur with low platelets. It’s not clear. In fact, hematologists say there is currently no evidence that these groups are at increased risk of this side effect.
In general, blood clots are more likely to occur in the following cases:
- If you are in the hospital or have recently been discharged – especially if you do not move around much (such as after surgery)
- Are you overweight
- smoke
- Uses compound hormone contraceptives such as compound pills, contraceptive patches, and vaginal rings
- I have had a blood clot before
- During pregnancy or immediately after childbirth
- If you have an inflammatory condition such as Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis
What other vaccines do you have?
The UK is currently using two vaccines, Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca, but the third coronavirus vaccine is Moderna jab launched in Wales on April 7th..
Meanwhile, preliminary results published on April 6 from a trial of the Valneva Covid-19 vaccine, which will be manufactured in the United Kingdom, show that it produces a “strong immune response” and go to Phase 3 clinical trials. Paved the way for.
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