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COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy: What Pregnant Mothers Should Know

COVID-19 Vaccine and Pregnancy: What Pregnant Mothers Should Know


Dena Van

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most important moments in life. Many women expect a healthy pregnancy and childbirth, but complications are more likely to occur, especially among black women. Prior to the pandemic, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that black women were three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than Hispanic women and 2.5 times more likely than white women.

COVID-19 only further amplifies the disparities and challenges faced by black women, including implicit racism within the health care system and socio-economic factors affecting their ability to access care.

According to a recent KFF study and research analysis, 41% of black women, compared to other racial and ethnic groups, see how the vaccine works on others before they are vaccinated on their own. “Wait and see” is answered. The study also reported that one in five black women said they would “never” be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Many black organizations have addressed the hesitation and concern about the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure that all black Americans have the most accurate information to make informed decisions. One organization that keeps the Black community up to date for pandemics and the COVID-19 vaccine is the Black Union for COVID-19 (BCAC). BCAC hosts several Facebook live events to help African Americans make informed decisions about COVID-19.

Pregnant women face important decisions about vaccination for two, as mothers’ vaccination eligibility is open throughout the United States. Both Dr. Clark and Dr. Montgomery Rice encourage pregnant women to be vaccinated to protect themselves and their newborns. (Photo via NNPA)

The “Making It Plain: Black Women and COVID-19: The Virus, Variants, and the Vaccines” town hall meeting was attended by President Valerie Montgomery Rice of Morehouse School of Medicine and expert Dr. Melissa Clark. Population Health and BCAC Co-Founders shared insights on a variety of topics related to women’s health, including pregnancy.

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“The absolute risk of severe COVID-19 is lower in young women of childbearing age,” said Dr. Clark. .. Of course, the risks aren’t just for moms. That also applies to babies. Women with severe COVID symptoms are more likely to have preterm birth, uncontrolled hypertension, and prenatal and postnatal bleeding. Like the general population, pregnant African-American women have a disproportionately high rate of COVID-19 infection and death. It’s important to remember that. “

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Initially, data on whether the COVID-19 vaccine was safe and effective during pregnancy were limited, but a new study provides strong immunoprotection for pregnant women. Promising evidence is shown. A recent study published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective for pregnant and lactating women. These women can also pass antibodies to their newborns.

The study enrolled 131 participants who had blood samples taken again at the first and second doses of the vaccine, and six weeks later. The data showed that antibody levels in participants who responded to the vaccine were higher than those in participants who were infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy. Antibodies were also found in cord blood and breast milk.

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Pregnant women face important decisions about vaccination for two, as mothers’ vaccination eligibility is open throughout the United States. Both Dr. Clark and Dr. Montgomery Rice encourage pregnant women to be vaccinated to protect themselves and their newborns.

“Comparing the risk of COVID in pregnant women to age-matched non-pregnant women, we found that pregnant women were at increased risk of reaching the ICU. Artificial respirators. That’s us. We know that if a woman is pregnant with diabetes or obesity, she is also at increased risk of needing mechanical artificial breathing. To prevent COVID infection, pregnant women Of course, we know that you can do it by vaccination as well as all preventive health measures, washing hands, monitoring distances, wearing masks. Is the only way to do it. “

The CDC recommends the following measures to maintain good health during pregnancy:
• Keep all health care appointments during and after pregnancy. Talk to your healthcare provider for all recommended appointments. If you are worried about going to an appointment for COVID-19, ask your healthcare provider what steps you have taken to distinguish between healthy and potentially ill patients. Ask about telemedicine options. If you need help finding a health care provider, contact your local hospital, clinic, community health center, or health department.
• Talk to your healthcare provider about how to stay healthy and take care of yourself and yourself
• Asking about the best place to give birth Baby births are always the safest under the care of trained health professionals.
• If you think you are experiencing depression during or after your pregnancy, you should also consult your healthcare provider.
• Get the recommended vaccine during pregnancy.These vaccines are for you and yours
• Get the flu vaccine every year.Others living in your household also need to be vaccinated to protect themselves
• Vaccine with whooping cough (Tdap) during pregnancy to protect your baby from whooping cough, which may have symptoms similar to COVID-19. The CDC recommends that all women receive the Tdap vaccine between them
• If available, consider vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine. If you have any questions, please consult your healthcare provider.
• Contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about pregnancy, if you become ill, or if you suspect you may be infected with COVID-19.
• Due to COVID-19, do not delay receiving emergency medical care. The emergency department has taken steps to protect against COVID-19 infection when care is needed. If you need urgent help, call 911. Please tell us that you are pregnant and in an emergency.
• Seek medical attention immediately if you see any signs or symptoms of an emergency mother’s warning.These symptoms may indicate potentially life-threatening

“All women are concerned that they may go to their clinic and be exposed to COVID,” said Dr. Clark. “I want to guarantee to everyone that the protocol in the clinic is designed to protect you. If you mask, distance, wash your hands and follow the protocol in the clinic , It is important to stay on the course for a prenatal visit. “

For more information on COVID-19 and upcoming events, visit Black Coalition Against COVID-19, a major health resource for African Americans., the world’s largest and most comprehensive online health resource, is specifically targeted at African Americans.

For more information on COVID-19 News, please visit the CDC website (

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