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Scientists create edible models to help children learn chemistry

Scientists create edible models to help children learn chemistry


A close-up of the team's bite-sized model. Next to the Skittles candy on the far right for comparison.

A close-up of the team’s bite-sized model. Next to the Skittles candy on the far right for comparison.
Photo: Bryan Shaw

Researchers say they have found a way to make science lessons more interactive for students, especially those with visual impairments.In a new study on Friday, they Details to create a bite-sized, even candy-like molecular model that children can safely feel with their mouth. This model seems to be as easy to recognize with the tongue as it is with eyesight.

The author of the study, Bryan Shaw, is a professor of chemistry at Baylor University in Texas. One aspect of his lab research is to unravel the complex process of how proteins in the brain become malformed, misfolded, and lead to neuropathy such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Is to be. But another goal of his lab was to help visually impaired high school students better understand the basic principles of biochemistry. As a result, we began to consider creating models for these mouths.

“Visualizing complex images with the mouth may help any student, but was inspired by the need to make 3D images more accessible to visually impaired students,” Shaw said. Is stated in the email. His son developed a rare form of eye cancer at a young age, which caused complete blindness in one eye and serious damage to the other.

Team survey, Release At Science Advances on Friday, we looked at how it interacts with several types of models devised by students. These models were created to resemble molecules of proteins such as hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps cells transport life-sustaining oxygen around the body. They created different sizes and used different materials for their models. This includes edible gelatin, such as that used for gummy bears.

For non-edible models, it was also attached to a thread or floss safety loop to prevent students from accidentally swallowing it. Overall, in their experiments, children, including visually impaired children, were able to play with the model without harm, but usually the mouth was sufficient to recall the previously shown shape.

A student demonstrating one usage of a team model. The strings help prevent the child from swallowing the model while playing with it.

A student demonstrating one usage of a team model. The strings help prevent the child from swallowing the model while playing with it.
Photo: Bryan Shaw

“Even if the model is as small as a grain of rice, the mouth (tongue and lips) helps visualize complex 3D images of science,” Shaw said. “Here we used a 3D model of a large protein molecule. [found that] Your mouth can recall different molecular shapes with an accuracy of about 85%, which is comparable to vision. So your tongue can see not only your eyes but also your surroundings! “

Not only are these models innovative educational tools, they are quick and inexpensive to create and easy to store in the classroom. According to Shaw, the resin used in non-edible models costs only about 10 cents per model. Edible versions can be even cheaper, but manufacturers can’t make them in the smallest possible size.

Shaw and his team plan to keep tinkering with the model. In the future, we plan to test other features such as adding textures and related flavors. Ultimately, we want to create something that is widely adopted in schools and that can broaden our knowledge of science for everyone, especially those with visual impairments.

“Chemistry is a central science and has historically eliminated visually impaired students. Keeping children away from chemistry can prevent them from understanding other parts of science,” Shaw said. Stated. “I need to fix this and I’m trying to play my part here.”


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