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Fat shame by doctors, family and classmates is a global health problem

Fat shame by doctors, family and classmates is a global health problem


Weight disgrace is so widespread that it is so detrimental to a person’s self-esteem and willingness to seek health care that it has become a problem of “social injustice and serious public health problems.” Lead author of two new studies on this topic.

The prevalence of weight disgrace is particularly important because the causes of obesity are complex and often out of personal control, said Puhl, who has studied weight disgrace for nearly 20 years.

“We have certainly created a society that promotes obesity, with a focus on fast, highly processed foods and lack of physical activity,” Pull said. “And we’re ignoring all the other parts of the puzzle: genetics, environment, biology, agriculture, food prices, food deserts, accessibility, and so on.

“Instead, these oversimplified and inaccurate social beliefs persist in the belief that if you work hard enough you can have whatever body you want-they are really social stigma. It’s a belief that fuels honor, “she added. “Basically, this issue concerns the respect and dignity of people across different body sizes and weights, and equal treatment.”

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From May to July 2020, approximately 14,000 WW members (formerly weight watchers) from six countries were investigated about their experience of weight prejudice and how it affects their self-esteem and willingness to seek medical assistance. It was.

According to one study, families were most likely to be fat and shameful It was published in the journal PLOS ONE on Tuesday. 76% to 88% of those surveyed experienced weight shame from parents, siblings, or other family members, primarily during childhood and adolescence.
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The stigma may be suspected to be the careless result of a parent or family trying to help a child overcome weight problems and improve their health, but that is not what the study found.

“When I asked free-form questions about my experience of weight disgrace from my family, it was often really harsh criticism, teasing, and teasing them,” Pull said.

“They ranged from calling them fat or” thunder thighs “to making a statement that they could never find someone to date them because of their weight-having long-term implications. A really derogatory comment, “she added.

Studies show that family fat shame did not end in childhood.

“Approximately 22% to 30% of people reported that their first experience of weight disgrace occurred by the age of 10, but family weight disgrace continues into adulthood,” Puhl said. Stated.

“It really speaks to the need to tackle a family environment that is often ignored in the context of weight disgrace,” she added. “We need to help families engage in more collaborative and non-stigmatized communication with their families.”

School and work were important sources of information

Classmates say they came second on the Fat Shaming ladder, with 72% to 81% of survey participants being bullied or bullied at school.

54% to 62% of those who responded to the survey said their colleagues fattened them at work.

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Finally, even friends were very likely to be critical of weight-experienced negative comments from friends between 49% and 66%.

“People are experiencing weight disgrace in multiple close relationships and in a variety of situations, whether in healthcare, employment or at home,” Pull said.

The study was able to compare similar groups across the country (people who felt they needed to participate in a weight loss program), but the limits of the study were the lack of diversity (mostly white women). Was included. With weight management programs, results could not be generalized to the entire adult population with a higher body mass index (BMI). This study was conducted by WW International Inc. Supported by a grant from.

Physicians play an important role in fat shaming

In what they call the first “multinational survey of the link between weight disgrace and medical experience,” Puhl and her colleagues see if survey participants feel that doctors have judged weight. Therefore, we used the same WW dataset in the second study.Research It was published in the International Journal of Obesity on Tuesday.

Previous studies have identified weight stigma, or stigma, among healthcare professionals, but the study focused on the United States, Pull said.

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The study found that 63% to 74% of people surveyed in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States were downplayed because of their weight while seeing a doctor for medical care. I was feeling.

Studies have shown that in all six countries, people who have internalized their stigma or blamed their weight are more likely to avoid health care.

“They have seen less frequently with doctors and are more likely to consider them to be negative about their weight, and doctors did not respect them and did not listen to their needs.” Said Pull.

Studies have found that those beliefs persisted even if the person was not significantly overweight.

“It should be noted that weight was not associated with any of these health care experiences, so it was only an internalization of that stigma.” Pull said.

preliminary survey When people experience weight disgrace and internalize it, it shows that it can itself predict weight gain.

“The general perception is that a little shame or stigma may motivate people to lose weight, but that’s not what we’re seeing in research,” Puhl said. “In fact, when people experience weight prejudice, this actually contributes to unhealthy eating behavior, reduced physical activity, and weight gain.”

This pattern was also seen in both studies in all countries. The more people who blame their weight, the greater their weight gain over the past year, and the more they have turned to food as a way to deal with stress.

“These findings not only target prejudice from doctors and healthcare professionals, but we also have compelling reasons to find ways to help people reduce their self-blame. We really offer to you, “Puhl said.

Change begins at home

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Attitude changes should begin at home, Pull said. “Children have a loving conversation about healthy behavior without being completely embarrassed, embarrassed, or judged by their physical condition.”

“”Our study shows When parents move their conversations to good health Actions tend to be much more effective, “she said. “The focus is not on the number of scales, but on the whole family who eat fruits and vegetables, replace soda with water, and do daily physical activity.
Adolescents often prefer to hear more neutral words such as “BMI” and “weight” than “obesity,” “fat,” and “heavy,” but that is possible. It changes based on personal taste and gender, Pull said.

“One of the things we’ve found, especially for girls, is that even if parents gain weight in a more neutral way, they can still be emotionally distressed. . Everything. ”

“Focusing on health and health behavior rather than scale and number of looks can significantly reduce weight bias in the home environment.”

That is also a policy issue

In addition to changing personal attitudes about obesity, its causes, and who is responsible, Pull states that local, state, and federal governments must play a role in combating weight disgrace. It was.

“In the United States It is legal to discriminate against people on the basis of their weight.“Only if you live in Michigan, where the law was passed in the 1970s, you are protected from discrimination (based on weight),” she said.

Some cities have passed local ordinances and additional states such as Massachusetts are trying to enforce the law, but there is no federal obligation to discriminate against weight, such as not getting a job based on weight, Puhl said. I did.

yet the study “In the United States, there is substantial public support to pass legislation that makes weight-based discrimination illegal,” she added.
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“This is a clear policy goal that can make a real difference in people’s lives, and we can send the message that this is a legitimate form of stigma and abuse that we do not intend to tolerate. “She said.

Pull emphasized that changes need to occur in healthcare institutions as well. “We need to educate health professionals early in the medical school, rather than waiting for them to enter clinical practice,” she said.

One positive note: A Consensus statement Last year, Pull, which called for the end of weight disgrace, was signed by 100 international medical institutions.

Schools can also make policy changes by allowing children to be protected from weight-based bullying, Pull said.

“Many schools have a diversity curriculum and we need to make sure that weight is part of that diversity education,” she said. “Of course, we need to discuss race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion, but we also need to make sure that weight diversity is covered.”


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