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Indiana, known for its historic HIV epidemic, voted to close the needle exchange program – Mother Jones

Indiana, known for its historic HIV epidemic, voted to close the needle exchange program – Mother Jones


Syringe Exchange Entrance in Austin, IndianaTyler Stewart / AP

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Among public health professionals, Scott County, Indiana is a case study of how a syringe exchange program can change the community. In 2015, rural counties that experienced a historic HIV epidemic became national news. Fueled This is mainly due to the sharing of needles among intravenous drug users. In total, 235 inhabitants were infected in 24,000 counties. HIV prevalence plummeted after then-Governor Mike Pence reluctantly approved the state’s first syringe replacement as part of an emergency measure. In 2020, only one new infection was confirmed in the county.

However, on Wednesday night, the County Commission decided to close the prosperous exchange with a two-to-one vote. Public health experts are concerned that residents may be more vulnerable to the outbreak of HIV and other infectious diseases.

“This is another perfect example of why politicians shouldn’t control public health programs,” said Robin Polini, a professor of epidemiology at West Virginia University. You must not have the authority to blame the epidemiology. “

Commissioners who chose to stop the program point out the old and unfounded logic that syringe replacement facilitates. Drug use. In a Facebook post that was subsequently deleted, Commissioner Randy Julian reports that he called the program a “welfare program for addicts.” NPR“It was brought here and did its job, but now it’s time to fight it in another way and free people from addiction, rather than handing them a needle,” Julian said. AP“That doesn’t help.”

Julian’s Declaration Contradicts For Decades the studyDiscovered that the syringe replacement program has changed dramatically cut back Overdose and disease transmission To increase Entry into the detox program. Many syringe replacement programs, such as Scott County, also offer medical services, connectivity to rehabilitation and other social services, and screening for infectious diseases.

Dr. William Cook was the only family doctor until recently in Austin, Indiana, the epidemic center of 2015. Before the program began, he said: People need that accumulation, that is, mitigating harm and connecting with those who care for them. With the planned closure in January 2022, “I’m worried that people will use whatever is available when they don’t have access to sterile syringes,” Cook says.

The commissioner’s decision is the latest in a series of syringe replacement prohibition laws nationwide.To West VirginiaA recent policymaker who is currently experiencing an HIV outbreak that the CDC considers to be “the most worrisome in the United States.” Voted Strictly restrict needle exchange.

In recent years, HIV infection has decreased nationwide. However, among the white intravenous drug users that make up the major demographics of syringe replacement customers, they have increased dramatically. A place like Scott County. In 2019 1,148 New HIV diagnosis for Caucasian IV drug users nationwide. That’s a 66 percent increase in just seven years.

Dan Ciccarone, an epidemiologist at the University of San Francisco, California, said: Opioids and opioid overdose are skyrocketing. stimulant drug Like methamphetamine, “It’s not time to stop evidence-based preventive programs.”

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