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Looking back on the AIDS epidemic 40 years after the first reported case in the United States

Looking back on the AIDS epidemic 40 years after the first reported case in the United States


A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published June 5, 1981, explains that five previously healthy gay men in Los Angeles had pneumonia-like illnesses. At the time, the disease was an unnamed mystery, but today’s research is seen as the arrival of an HIV / AIDS epidemic.

Dr. Michael Gottlieb, who published the treatise 40 years ago, says the report caused “unpleasant feelings” in the LGBTQ + community about what would happen next.

“People, especially those in the LGBTQ community, tell me they remembered where they were when they read this publication and felt uncomfortable about what was happening,” he told CBS News Elaine.・ I told Kihano. “But the reaction of the general public was basically flat.”

“It really didn’t come to anyone’s eyes, and it didn’t even come to the attention of most politicians.”

It took years to uncover the origin of AIDS and how it spread. By then, millions of people had been infected.

The disease was first discovered in the homosexual community and was often incorrectly referred to as “homosexual cancer.”

Gottlieb remembers his first patient as he saw yesterday.

“I remember not only the first patient, but the one I saw yesterday,” he said. “I remember their stories, their faces, their professions. I have incredible strength, comprehension, and elegance in this undiagnosed illness, which they have no cause or name for. I remember how I dealt with it. “

It wasn’t until 1985 that President Ronald Reagan began working on AIDS. At that time, he defended the administration from criticism that it did not adequately fund AIDS research. By then, more than 3,600 Americans had died of the disease.

Paul Olson is the Chief Communications Officer of GMHC, the world’s first HIV / AIDS services organization, founded in 1982 as the Health Crisis of Gay Men. He described Reagan’s lack of action as a “dark age” in American history.

“At that time, our government was not responsible for responding to this crisis, because it was primarily affecting the heavily marginalized communities of the time,” he said.

AIDS activists, who felt lack of government support, called for change, including a group that confused CBS Evening News, for example.

In addition to activism, cultural ignition points bring AIDS into the consciousness of the general public. Hollywood actor Rock Hudson, the death of Princess Diana in a glove shaking hands with an AIDS patient in the UK, and Magic Johnson’s shocking retirement announcement revealing that he is HIV positive are all perceptions of the epidemic. Helped to increase.

Then there was a medical breakthrough in the mid-199s. The development of antiretroviral treatment has transformed HIV / AIDS from a de facto death sentence to a manageable illness. Today, more than two-thirds of people living with HIV are treated for it.

But the epidemic remains where Olson calls it the “last mile.”

“I think the biggest misconception is that the epidemic is over,” he said. “Especially in black and brown and low-income communities that are disproportionately affected by other infectious diseases, there are still unacceptably many new infections.”

The epidemic isn’t over yet, but Dr. Gottlieb acknowledges the advances in medicine over the last 40 years as a small victory in the fight against AIDS.

“Currently, a 25-year-old who is diagnosed with HIV and can take the drug immediately is expected to have a near normal lifespan,” he said. “It’s a big change since 1981.”


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