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“Terrible” science shows that COVID-19 may have been designed in the lab


“Catastrophic” science strongly suggests that COVID-19 is an artificial monster.

Write an opinion piece For The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Stephen Key and Richard Muller pointed out two important pieces of evidence in support of the claim.

The first concerns the nature of gain-of-function research, where microbiologists fine-tune the virus’s genome to change its properties, including increasing the infectivity and lethality of the virus.

Of the 36 possible genomic pairings capable of producing two arginine amino acids in succession, the most commonly used in functional acquisition studies as a result of increased viral lethality is CGG-CGG, or double CGG. Quay writes that there is. Muller.

Virologist Shi Zhengli (left) works with a colleague at the P4 Lab of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Quay and Muller said that double CGG sequences have never been found naturally across a group of coronaviruses, including CoV-2.
Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Quay, founder of Atossa Therapeutics, and Muller, a former top scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who now teaches physics on the University of California, Berkeley campus, said: “.

“It’s easy to get and convenient, and scientists have a lot of experience inserting it,” they write. “The additional advantage of the double CGG sequence over the other 35 options is that it creates a convenient beacon that allows scientists to track insertions in the laboratory.”

The pair noted that the double CGG sequence had never been found naturally in the entire group of coronaviruses, including CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

However, what Quay and Muller called “abominable facts” was discovered in CoV-2.

“Proponents of zoonotic origin need to explain why they happened to choose the most disliked combination, double CGG, when the new coronavirus mutated or recombined,” they said. Wrote. “Why did you recreate the choices that lab feature acquisition researchers would have made?

“At least, the fact that the coronavirus has adopted the rare and unnatural combinations used by human researchers, while having all its random possibilities, is that the main theory of the origin of the coronavirus is in the laboratory. It means that you have to escape.

As early as January 2020, he warned that the virus could have been “manipulated,” according to an email recently released by Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert in the United States. It is shown that it was done.

At a Senate hearing last month, Fauci was convinced that China’s Wuhan Institute of Virginology, which had a COVID-19 outbreak in late 2019, did not donate a $ 600,000 pre-pandemic grant from National Assembly members. I admitted that I couldn’t have it. Health Research Institute for function acquisition research.

The purpose of the grant was to determine if the coronavirus could infect humans from bats.

Beyond the obvious signs of feature acquisition engineering, Quay and Muller wrote in the journal that the evidence is “a dramatic difference in the genetic diversity of CoV-2 compared to the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS.” Is written.

Confirmed to be naturally occurring sources, SARS and MERS “evolved rapidly as they spread throughout humanity until the most contagious forms dominated,” they wrote.

In contrast, COVID-19 was found to be highly contagious from the time it was first detected.

“Such early optimizations are unprecedented, suggesting long-term adaptation before they became popular,” writes Quay and Muller. “The only way science knows is to simulate natural evolution, that is, to propagate the virus in human cells until it is optimal. That’s exactly what is done in feature acquisition research. is.”

With these two pieces of evidence, Quay and Muller concluded that the possibility that COVID-19 was manipulated should be considered the main theory.

“The presence of double CGG sequences is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the lack of diversity in general outbreaks suggests accelerated acquisition of function,” they wrote. “Scientific evidence is , Shows the conclusion that the virus was developed in the laboratory. “

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