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Do you skip lunch?Why and how to eat at noon

Do you skip lunch?Why and how to eat at noon


“Creating a full and balanced lunch time is a great way to organize your meal days and give you a better idea of ​​the signs of actual hunger,” said a registered dietitian. Tamara Duker Floyman“Therefore, you can eat on an empty stomach and reduce snacking throughout the day.”
Even if it’s about 30 minutes, a lunch break at noon “helps you avoid afternoon slumps and stay energized throughout the afternoon,” said a registered dietitian. Lisa Young, The author of “Finally Full, Finally Slim”.
Skipping lunch can cause a variety of symptoms, not just hunger, hypoglycemia, and frustration. It also almost guarantees that most of the calories will be consumed at night. According to Freuman, it can have a devastating impact on waistline and health.Can contribute Sleeping disorderAlso.

“I often find it much easier to manage when a patient suffering from an excessive and uncontrollable evening meal feels very full and not hungry, especially when heading for a supper meal. Often you will notice that. Lunch, “Floyman said.

How to make lunch time

Have a salad for lunch. Get off to a good start. However, try away from your desk to have a daytime meal.

Taking lunch time doesn’t have to mean preparing a big meal. The important thing is to think of your lunch like any other daytime appointment and plan from the moment you wake up.

By planning your lunch, you won’t want to eat junk food when your blood sugar begins to drop.

First, select an approximate time to rest for lunch. Next, think about what to eat. If you work from home, it’s a good idea to have lunch prepared the night before. That way, when it’s time to take a break, you can take it out of the fridge and have lunch right away.

6 Ways to Make a Healthy and Simple Child'Lunch
Lunch breaks at noon may not work for everyone, but it’s a good idea not to eat lunch late in the afternoon, especially if you’re trying to manage your weight.To One study of 420 obese patientsPeople who ate lunch before 3 pm lost more weight than those who delayed lunch in 5 months, even though they had similar fat, protein, and carbohydrate intakes with the same calories. ..

Don’t forget to use lunchtime as an opportunity to relax and refresh your mind. Taking a break while looking at the screen slows down the pace of your meal, allows you to pay attention to the texture and flavor of the food, and allows you to taste each bite.

And it’s not just about work: people who played solitaire games on their computers while eating Eat faster, eat nearly twice as much, and feel less full According to a study Young quotes in her book, than those who didn’t distract during the meal.

Simple and delicious lunch

Olive oil is a healthy option to add flavor and fat to your lunch.

An easy way to think about lunch is a combination of vegetables, healthy protein, and fiber-rich carbohydrates. If you want to add fat, take healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts, Young said.

For a simple lunch strategy, you can use the plate as a visual guide.

Fill half of the plate With non-starch vegetables. The second half slowly digests proteins such as grilled fish and chicken and high-fiber carbohydrates such as beans and quinoa. (Note: Beans and chickpeas are also counted as proteins).

“This is the recipe most people use for dinner, but it may not be a relative ratio of these,” Freuman said.

“One of my favorite lunches is crispy purple cabbage, chopped tomatoes, pickled onions, black beans, cheese, avocado, cocrantro, hot sauce, the remaining shavings of corn cut from the cobs, or crushed ones. It’s about throwing a handful of Mexican-flavored bowls together. Tortiya chips. It’s easy to eat for five to six hours before dinner, “says Floyman.

Lentil soup and stew are a good way to punch your lunch.

Grilled chicken salad is good, but try a heap of chickpeas or a generous amount of lentil soup. A good lunch option is to add turkey or tuna salad sandwiches to whole wheat bread, but add slices of spinach and combine with vegetables such as cucumbers, baby carrots, and pepper strips with hummus.

Another favorite of Freuman is chicken cutlet with cucumber, tomato and pepper (which can be pre-cooked), served with hummus and crispy crispbread topped with all bagel seasonings. I will.

5 is your lucky number of daily fruits and vegetables

“These are full lunches that will help you survive the second half of your work without being distracted by hunger. Also, make sure you don’t arrive hungry upstairs a day after working in the basement at home. Make sure you’re ready to eat everything in the cupboard, “Froyman said.

One of Young’s lunch favorites is the hummus veggie wrap. This is a whole grain wrap with hummus, assorted vegetables, chickpeas and avocado. If you want to eat but aren’t hungry, we recommend Greek yogurt, which is rich in protein with berries and flaxseed.

Finally, you can eat the leftovers from last night’s dinner at lunch. At my house, it’s a piece of rotisserie chicken or grilled salmon with a salad of vegetables and wheat berries.

5 nice lunches

Here are some other creative lunch ideas to consider:

Spinach and egg flatbread pizza
1. Spinach and egg flatbread pizza: “This simple recipe is always reliable to me, but it’s a particularly satisfying and energetic lunch,” said Food Network and Public Television moderator and award-winning cookbook. Said Ellie Krieger, a registered dietitian who is also the author of.

Krieger explained that using whole-wheat flatbread as a crust, topped with spinach and dried tomatoes, as well as protein-rich eggs and just the right amount of melting cheese, turned the pizza into a quick and balanced diet.

Lemon herb orzotto with garlic-flavored chickpeas.
2. Lemon herb “Orzotto” with garlic of chickpeas: This “Orzot” is like risotto, but according to Jackie Newgent, a plant-oriented culinary nutritionist and award-winning cookbook author, Orzo with chickpeas to punch protein. It is based.

“By adding vegetables and plenty of fresh herbs, it’s a complete and delicious lunch, hot or cold,” Newgent said.

Avocado bowl with white bean paste and tomato.
3. White bean paste and tomato avocado bowl: A light lunch box with plenty of spinach leaves. Rich in the antioxidant lutein, it keeps your eyes clear and bright. It also contains juicy tomatoes and creamy avocado. Navy beans and quinoa provide protein that makes you feel full.
Grilled hummus
Four. Grilled hummus “quesadilla”: According to Newgent, filling whole grain tortillas with hummus instead of cheese increases fiber and reduces saturated fat. “Topped with fresh Mediterranean-style salsa that’s easy to fix, it’s a colorful and satisfying meal.”
Black bean mango avocado wrap.
Five. Black Bean Mango Avocado Wrap: This delicious and nutritious lunch option is a hearty lunch rich in fiber, combining garlic-flavored black beans, sweet mangoes and creamy avocados.


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