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ETSU Health Offers COVID-19 Vaccine at June Event | News

ETSU Health Offers COVID-19 Vaccine at June Event | News
ETSU Health Offers COVID-19 Vaccine at June Event | News


ETSU Health will continue to provide members of the community over the age of 18 with the opportunity to receive one free Janssen Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in various parts of the Appalachian Mountains.

“This summer, we will use some non-traditional environments to reach as many people as possible,” said Donna Norland, manager of the ETSU Health COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic. Has responded positively to vaccine clinics on the campus of East Tennessee State University and will continue to provide them to the public, but there is a great opportunity to expand our efforts and bring vaccines to people in safe places. We are aware that we will meet this summer. “

The June ETSU Health Clinic itinerary includes several convenient weekend opportunities to get the vaccine. No reservation required.

  • Friday, June 11th, 6 pm-8pm, “Friday’s After 5”, King Commons, Downtown Johnson City
  • Saturday, June 12, 10 am to noon, ETSU Millennium Center, 2001 Millennium Place, Johnson City (Patients should park on the 3rd floor or above of the parking garage adjacent to the Millennium Center and follow the ballroom signs.)
  • Saturday, June 12th, 3-5pm, Little Animals Brewery, 324 E. Main Street, Johnson City
  • Saturday, June 19th, 10 am-1pm, Juneteenth Celebration, 301 Louis St., Kingsport (VO Dobbins Field / River View)

In addition to these weekend consultations, weekday vaccine consultations will be available from Wednesday to Friday, June 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 25, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm on the second floor of DP Calpe students. Scheduled center at ETSU. Enter from the 2nd floor entrance of JL Seahorn Road (under the ramp on the 3rd floor).

At the ETSU Health Vaccine Clinic, Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine is given in a single dose.

After a suspension of the Janssen Johnson & Johnson vaccine and a thorough safety review, the CDC and FDA have decided that the US recommended vaccine suspension should be lifted and vaccine use resumed. .. The FDA has determined that the known and potential benefits of the vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks in individuals over the age of 18, as the available data show. More information on the decision is available at the following URL: ..

ETSU Health College faculty, students, and staff, including Quillen College of Medicine, Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, and College of Public Health, manage vaccines and assist in patient acceptance and enrollment.

In addition, the ETSU Center for Rural Health Research helps connect local sites interested in hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic with vaccine providers such as ETSU Health and Ballad Health. Companies and organizations that want to know more about how to host a vaccine clinic can contact Dr. Sam Pettyjohn. [email protected]..

For more information on the ETSU Health Vaccine Clinic, please call 423-439-EVAX (3829). Patients who have questions about the vaccine should contact their doctor.


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