Women’s mental health is highly relevant to diet
Women’s mental health is more likely to be associated with dietary factors than men, according to a new study from the State University of New York at Binghamton University.
Lina Begdash, an assistant professor of health and wellness research at Binghamton University, previously published a diet and mood study that suggests that a quality diet improves mental health. She wanted to test whether dietary customization would improve the mood of men and women over the age of 30.
Together with research assistant Cara M. Patrissy, Begdache analyzed various food groups related to mental distress in men and analyzed them. Female age We studied a variety of dietary patterns associated with age 30 and older, and exercise frequency and mental distress.The result is that of women mental health Highly relevant to Dietary factors Than men. The frequency of mental distress and exercise is associated with different diet and lifestyle patterns and supports the concept of customizing diet and lifestyle factors to improve mental health.
“We found a general relationship between a healthy diet, a healthy diet, exercise, and mental health,” says Begdash. “Interestingly, we found that women had higher levels of mental distress than men in unhealthy dietary patterns, indicating that women are more susceptible to unhealthy diets than men. I am. “
Based on this and other studies, diet and exercise may be the first line of defense against mental distress in mature women, Begdash said.
“Fast foods, breakfast-free, caffeine, and high glycemic (HG) foods are all associated with the mental distress of mature women,” said Begdash. “Fruits and dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV). ) Is related to mental health. Additional information we learned from this study is that exercise is HG foods and fast food Spiritual distressSaid Vegadake.
This study provides the framework you need to: Healthcare professional To customize the dietary plan to promote exercise and improve the mental health of mature adults, Begdash said. It could also provide the research community with a new perspective in assessing the role of diet. There is sex. Mental distress..
Researchers are conducting parallel studies of young men and women, looking at dietary quality from a longitudinal perspective, in addition to sleep and seasonal variables.
The treatise “Diet Customization May Promote Adult Exercise and Improve Mental Health: The Role of Exercise as a Mediator” Personalized medical journal..
Dietary customization, Lina Begdache et al., May promote exercise in adults and improve mental health: the role of exercise as a mediator, Personalized medical journal (2021). DOI: 10.3390 / jpm11050435
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Binghamton University
Quote: Women’s mental health is highly relevant to dietary factors obtained from on June 9, 2021 (June 9, 2021)
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