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COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome during a pandemic

COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome during a pandemic


Acute respiratory distress syndromeMany patients with CARDS show relatively good resistance to hypoxemia, also known as “happy hypoxemia,” called silent hypoxemia. (Representative image)

Dr. Viswes Varane Varane Bramanian

The new coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) poses many challenges to research communities and healthcare systems around the world. Approximately 10-20% of hospitalized patients infected with infected COVID-19 may suffer from severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that require mechanical support. ARDS can be caused by a variety of direct or indirect lung injuries, including other respiratory infections, trauma, aspiration, or inhalation into the lungs, but is secondary to COVID-19 infections. An unprecedented number of patients are admitted to the intensive care unit due to severe hypoxic respiratory failure. Units (ICU) around the world. As the pandemic progresses, medical researchers and clinicians around the world seek to understand the potential unique characteristics of the disease.

Evolving scientific facts suggest that the serious COVID-19-related ARDS, called CARDS, may differ from the typical ARDS. Studies have observed that CARDS can manifest as a classic ARDS pattern in people with the lowest oxygenation levels, with the worst lung mechanics and smaller aerated lungs. However, what is unique to CARDS is that few patients have inadequate oxygenation, despite good pulmonary mechanics that suggest a variety of disease processes.

Many patients with CARDS show relatively good resistance to hypoxemia, also known as “happy hypoxemia,” called silent hypoxemia. This separation between oxygenation and respiratory activity in some of these patients influences the decisions that support the patient on mechanical ventilators and is mechanically artificial until clinical signs of clinical deterioration appear. I urged the clinician to avoid the respiratory tract. In addition to this, other methods of improving oxygenation, such as wakefulness self-proning and the use of high-flow nasal cannulas and ECMO, are becoming more important during the current pandemic. In addition to this, some studies have observed that less invasive ventilation is used in clinical trials reduces mortality. In terms of medication, the use of corticosteroids in COVID-19 patients in need of oxygenation or ventilatory support improved results. Similarly, in some patients, the use of IL-6 receptor antagonist monoclonal antibody therapy has been suggested for inpatients with COVID-19 who require oxygen or ventilation support. Most treatment guidelines also recommend the use of anticoagulants for all hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Evolving data and research may reveal new modalities that may affect the clinical outcome of patients suffering from CARDS.

(The author is an Interventional Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine consultant at Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad. This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult a health or medical professional before starting treatment or medication. The expressed views are personal and do not reflect official position or policy. Financial Express Online.)

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