TikTok Magnet Challenge: COVID Vaccine Doesn’t Turn You Magnetic
Almost 43% of Americans are fully vaccinated,strange Conspiracy theory Surrounding vaccines are on the rise throughout social media.
One of the most common theories is that the COVID-19 vaccine makes the vaccination site and body magnetic.
People on social media, especially TikTok, claim that magnets stick to their arms after receiving the vaccine.
This theory has been denied by experts, but some are still trying to prove it to be true.
Why do some people think that vaccines turn you into magnetism?
There are many reasons why the Internet believes that the COVID-19 vaccine will appeal to you.
One belief is based on a related conspiracy theory that vaccines contain microchips.
This theory is Microsoft co-founder Bill GatesInvested millions of dollars to support vaccination efforts.
Some people think that the components of the vaccine contain metals that specifically generate magnetism at the vaccination site.
What is TikTok’s Magnet Challenge?
Conspiracy theory is called the “Magnet Challenge” on social media, and thousands of users have posted videos of magnets sticking to their skin or falling to the floor.
1 TikTok user, RobbsfilmsI posted a three-part saga that tries to prove that magnets stick together with a vaccine.
In the last part, he received a suggestion from another user and told him to apply baby powder to his skin so that the magnets wouldn’t stick to his “sticky skin”.
After applying baby powder, the magnets do not stick. Robs Films ended the video because the “magnetization” was suddenly lost, “I would like to publicly apologize …
Ohio nurses even tried to prove that the vaccine causes magnetization In front of the Ohio House of Representatives Health Commission, her test failed only twice.
On Wednesday, Joanna Oberholt testified in front of the Commission about the dangers of the vaccine. Oberholt tried to prove her theory with a key and a bobby pin.
Before sticking the key in her chest, she said, “Explain why the key sticks in me.”
Every time Overholt let go, the key, believed to be made of non-magnetic brass, continued to fall. She then tried the same with a bobby pin that also didn’t stick.
How do you know that vaccines don’t magnetize you?
Now, funny you should ask. With the rise of conspiracy theories on social media, experts have come up to explain exactly why this popular rumor is not true.
According to Forbes, The microchip does not generate magnetism on the skin.
Standard microchip is 13mm long (Or about 0.5 inches). The standard dose of Covid-19 is “less than 1 milliliter (mL), and the typical dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is only about 0.3 mL.”
For this reason, the microchip is too large to fit the vaccine.
If the metal contained in the vaccine is involved, the US-approved COVID-19 vaccine does not contain any potentially magnetic metal components.
Humans are actually a little magnetic already Because our bodies contain iron. However, most of the iron in our blood sticks to oxygen, so the magnets repel. Also, blood contains most of the water, which also slightly repels magnets.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) He also issued a statement denying the allegations.
Their website details that “the COVID-19 vaccine does not become magnetic, including the location of the vaccination.”
“The COVID-19 vaccine does not contain ingredients that can generate electromagnetic fields at the injection site,” the CDC said.
The website also states that all COVID-19 vaccines “do not contain metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, rare earth alloys or industrial products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, nanowire semiconductors”. Explains in detail. “
So, sorry to TikTok users, the vaccine does not provide a magnetic superpower.
Small magnets can stick to the skin due to sticky skin due to sweat and the body’s natural sebum.
More information on YourTango:
Livvie Brault is a writer of narcissism, entertainment, news and relationships.
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