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British Columbia Announces Medical Device Compensation for Diabetics – Vancouver Island Free Daily

British Columbia Announces Medical Device Compensation for Diabetics – Vancouver Island Free Daily

The state government has expanded the scope of BC Pharmacare to give people in British Columbia with diabetes easy access to the Dexcom G6 Sustained Blood Glucose Monitor (CGM).

CGM automatically tracks your blood glucose in real time.

Without CGM, to monitor blood sugar levels in diabetics, pierce your finger to draw blood and place it on a strip to allow the machine to calculate the number.

“You need to be aware of your blood sugar levels all the time, because if your blood sugar levels get too long, you can develop both acute and long-term complications,” said her daughter, Lisa. Mox Valley’s mother, Lisa Kristensen, said. I developed type 1 diabetes in 2017. “If your blood sugar drops too low, you risk losing consciousness, or if you don’t get help, you can die.”

CGM attaches a small sensor to the skin on the patient’s abdomen or upper upper but eliminates the need to poke with a finger.

Lisa has been supporting the expansion of Pharmacare for the past year since Lilith was introduced to the Dexcom G6 about 18 months ago. Christensens received a grant from a charity to access funding for surveillance.

“This is an amazing device that protects lives and health,” Lisa said in a previous interview with Black Press. “The accuracy of the G6 is so good for us that we can administer insulin without having to poke it with a painful finger. The device’s transmit function allows both my husband and I to access blood glucose levels on our mobile phones at any time. “

Christensens, and many other British Columbia families, and advocacy groups have pressured the government to extend Pharmasave’s reach to include the Dexcom G6.

On Friday morning (June 11th), Lisa used Zoom to listen to the announcement.

“Our family was very lucky because the charity funded our (Dexcom), but not everyone has access to the (charity fund), so this report We always keep in mind to provide it to everyone. ”“ Everyone has access to essential management tools. They see their numbers in real time and are more informed. You can make decisions. This technology almost prevents the occurrence of dangerous bass because you can see them coming before they become a problem. Family members are wary of Dexcom. You can get a good night’s sleep because you know that, and an alert will be sent to your phone when something starts to go out of service. “

The Dexcom G6 sensor has a lifespan of 10 days and will need to be replaced. The Dexcom G6 transmitter can be used for 90 days.

The government estimates that approximately 20,000 households will benefit from this announcement in the first three years.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Health, Dexcom G6 CGM is covered by limited coverage for diabetics who meet CGM’s special authority criteria. For patients with special authority approval, those enrolled in Fair PharmaCare, and Plan C (income support), Plan F (children of home programs) or Plan W (First Nations medical benefits).

Special authority grants compensation to drugs, medicines, or devices that are not otherwise fully covered. British Columbia recommends enrolling in an income-based Fair PharmaCare Drug Compensation Plan.

Please consult your family doctor for details.

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