People infected with COVID-19 do not need vaccination
![People infected with COVID-19 do not need vaccination People infected with COVID-19 do not need vaccination](
- People who are already infected with COVID-19 do not always benefit from vaccination, according to researchers at the Cleveland Clinic.
- They said that previously infected people received the same protection as those who were completely vaccinated.
- Researchers have shown how innate immunity is compared to vaccination immunity.
- Some healthcare professionals recommend that people infected with COVID-19 continue to be vaccinated once.
new Research According to a study by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, vaccination may not always be effective for people who are already infected with COVID-19.
Studies have shown that in a large pool of health care workers, there are nearly zero cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the following patients:
- Previously infected with virus and not vaccinated
- Previously infected with virus and vaccinated
- Not infected with virus and vaccinated
However, the number of unvaccinated people who have never been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 is steadily increasing.
According to researchers, this finding suggests that natural infections provide immunity similar to vaccination. Therefore, people who are not infected with COVID-19 can be given priority vaccination.
Experts say more research is needed to determine how long immunity persists after a case of COVID-19. Until that data is available, some infectious disease experts recommend a single dose to people infected with COVID-19.
The survey included 52,238 individuals. Of the 2,579 people previously infected with COVID-19, 1,359 were unvaccinated.
The remaining 49,659 had never been previously infected with COVID-19, of which 22,777 were vaccinated.
Individuals were followed from December 2020 to May 2021, during which time 2,579 people already infected with COVID-19 (including 1,359 unvaccinated) were not infected with the virus.
Vaccination significantly reduces the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in people who have not yet been infected with COVID-19, according to the findings. Have got I already had it.
Those individuals appeared to have the same immunity as those who were fully vaccinated.
Given the limited availability of vaccines in certain countries, the findings conclude that vaccines should be prioritized for people who have never been previously infected with COVID-19. We are strengthening it further.
“For non-immunized individuals who have never been infected before, it is possible to maintain these doses and return to determine if immunization is needed. [previously ill people], ” Dr. Monica GandhiAn infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco told Healthline.
evidence Consistently point out
And Research Israeli researchers have concluded that reinfection in previously ill people is as low as in fully vaccinated people.
“[The Cleveland Clinic study] This means that previously infected people have a very low reinfection rate and usually follow a less severe clinical course than the first COVID-19 infection. Dr. Spencer Kroll, A board-certified physician in Marlboro, NJ, told Healthline.
Our immune system is robust and involves a variety of factors that work together to prevent disease.
When exposed to pathogens, there are antibodies that our immune system produces. Antibody levels can decline over time, but lower levels are still effective. Dr. Amesh AdaljaHe is a senior researcher and infectious disease expert at the Johns Hopkins University Health and Safety Center in Maryland, Maryland.
There is also a cell-mediated immune response, which includes protected B and T cells that increase over time and appear to continue to rise over time after infection.
It is worth noting that people have different immune responses to the infection, according to Kroll.
“Some people who have been confirmed to be infected do not produce antibodies,” Kroll said.
Adalja said innate immunity should influence vaccination policy.
“Innate immunity is not trivial and contributes to population-level immunity along with vaccination,” Adalja told Healthline.
Scientists are still investigating whether it would be beneficial to vaccinate people who are already infected. They are also investigating how innate immunity is compared to vaccination immunity.
Gandhi said he was often asked if a previously ill person should be vaccinated. She said the truth is that there is not enough data and it is not yet known how long innate immunity will last.
Her solution is just the first dose.Even if it is unnecessary, the single dose Work as an immune booster..
“I recommend a single dose after a natural infection, not because of evidence found, but because of emotions,” Gandhi explained.
1 Research Those who became ill before the first vaccination showed stronger antibody responses than those who were not infected but were vaccinated twice.
Adalja is also for single dose. “For those who have been infected before, a single vaccination with two doses may be sufficient,” he said.
According to Adalja, antibody levels decline over time and T cells are cumbersome to measure, making it difficult to determine if they have innate immunity.
Fortunately, there are no reports of risks or risks to people who have been infected with COVID-19 and are still vaccinated.
According to Gandhi, there may be more of the usual side effects, such as pain and fatigue at the injection site, but vaccination after a natural infection is not dangerous.
Ultimately, further research is needed to understand the length and persistence of immunity after infection.
“We also see different effects of infection on women, children and the elderly, so we also need to portray the length and strength of immunity, as these different groups can be different,” Kroll said. Told.
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