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Journalist Christiane Amanpour Reveals Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer: Knowing Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour recently announced on live television that she was diagnosed. Ovarian cancer He also encouraged women to get an early diagnosis and educate themselves about treatment. “I had a major surgery to get rid of it, and I’m experiencing a few months now chemical treatment For the best possible long-term prognosis, and I’m confident, “said a well-known journalist.

After talking about her surgery chemical treatment“I’m telling you this for transparency, but in reality most of the time, as a cry for early diagnosis,” Amanpour said.She urged Woman Educate yourself about this illness. Get all possible “regular screening and scanning”. Always listen to your body, and of course to ensure that your legitimate medical concerns are not dismissed or diminished. “

Ovarian cancer According to, ovarian cancer is often not detected until it has spread to the pelvis and abdomen. (Source: Getty Images / Sinkstock)

This is all you need to know about the illness

As the name implies, the ovaries cancer It is a type of cancer that begins in the ovaries. The female reproductive system has two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. According to, each ovary is about the size of an almond and produces an egg and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

But Dr (Col) R Ranga Rao, Chairman, Paras cancer Center, Pallas Hospital, Gurgaon talks Ovarian cancer, previously thought to occur only in the ovaries, can actually occur in cells at the far end (distal) of the fallopian tubes.

“The ovaries are made up of three main types of cells. Each type of cell can develop into a different type of tumor. Some of these tumor It is benign (non-cancerous) and does not spread beyond the ovaries. Malignant (cancerous) or borderline (less likely malignant) ovarian tumors can spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body and can be fatal. Only about 20% of ovarian cancers are found in the early stages, and 80% are diagnosed in stages 3 and 4 when the patient develops symptoms. With early detection of ovarian cancer, about 94% of patients survive more than five years after diagnosis, “he said.

according to, Ovarian cancer is often not detected until it has spread to the pelvis and abdomen. At this late stage, treatment of ovarian cancer becomes more difficult. Early stage ovarian cancer, whose disease is confined to the ovaries, is more likely to be treated successfully.

Signs and symptoms

According to Dr. Lao, women are more likely to have symptoms if the disease spreads, but even early-stage ovarian cancer can cause them. The most common symptoms are:

* Fullness
* Pelvic or abdominal (abdominal) pain
* Problems of eating quickly or getting full
* Urinary urgency such as urgency
* Abnormal vaginal discharge
* Abdominal fluid collection
* Unexplained weight loss
* Dyspnea

Who is at risk?

According to Dr. Lao, in India Ovarian cancer It is the third most common type of gynecologic cancer. The incidence of ovarian cancer is 5.4-8 / 100000. Risk begins to increase at age 35 and peaks between ages 55-64. High mortality occurs due to the lack of clear symptoms associated with early illness.

According to Dr. Preetam Jain, a medical oncologist at Batia Hospital in Mumbai, the average age at diagnosis is 63 years. “The age at diagnosis of ovarian cancer is younger among patients with hereditary ovarian cancer syndrome. The lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer is 1.3%,” said Dr. Jain.

Dr. Jain added that there is an increased risk of infertility, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, use of intrauterine devices, and smoking.

What is the cause?

However, Dr. Jain said that the majority (95%) of ovarian malignancies are epithelial, while the rest result from other ovarian cell types (germ cell tumors, sex cord stromal tumors).


According to Dr. Jain, effective screening methods have not been proven and are not recommended. “A blood test, a Ca125 level test, is neither sensitive to cancer nor specific,” she said. “The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unknown,” Dr. Rao said, so there is no effective screening strategy.


Surgery is the treatment of choice, and if detected early, it is most likely to be cured, Dr. Jane said. “Surgery is followed by adjuvant chemotherapy that has significant survival benefits,” said Dr. Jain, adding that “the risk of recurrence is 60 to 85 percent.”

According to Dr. Lao, modern treatments consist of targeted abdominal therapy, surgery, and chemotherapy. “”Hereditary Genetic testing (BRCA gene) is highly recommended for these patients. Not only the prognosis, but also the treatment is a little different. Maintenance therapy with new pills has greatly benefited patients by significantly delaying recurrence, “says Dr. Lao.

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