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Monoclonal antibody cocktails reduce the risk of death in hospitalized Covid patients: Study

Monoclonal antibody cocktails reduce the risk of death in hospitalized Covid patients: Study


Monoclonal antibody cocktails have been found in randomized trials to reduce the risk of death in severe cases of Covid-19. The monoclonal antibody therapy marketed by Cipla in India has been approved by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO).

Developed by US biotechnology giant Regeneron in collaboration with Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, the treatment is Two monoclonal antibodies-casilibimab and imdebimab.. Antibodies Antibodies bind to two different sites of the SARS-CoV-2 peplomer and neutralize the ability of the virus to infect human cells.

Previous studies conducted in hospitalized Covid patients have shown that monoclonal antibody treatment reduces viral load, promotes rapid resolution of symptoms, and significantly reduces the risk of hospitalization. ..

Randomized evaluation test is currently Monoclonal antibody therapy It reduces the risk of death in severe cases of Covid-19 when the patient’s body is unable to initiate a natural antibody response on its own.

This trial, called “recovery,” was the first trial large enough to conclusively determine whether this treatment reduced mortality in patients admitted with severe Covid-19. Preliminary results for the RECOVERY trial will be submitted to major peer-reviewed medical journals.

Recovery trial

The trial enrolled a total of 9,785 patients admitted to Covid-19 between September 18th last year and May 22nd this year.

One-third of the patients were negative for serologic reactions. This means that the body did not show a natural antibody response at the start of the test. Half, on the other hand, are seropositive, which means that their bodies are already developing natural antibodies.

On the other hand, antibody status was unknown in at least one-sixth of patients at the time of the study.

In addition to normal care, these patients were randomly assigned to receive a monoclonal antibody cocktail (4 grams each). Kasiribimab and Imdebimab By intravenous injection).

Monoclonal antibody therapy reduced the primary outcome of 28-day mortality in seronegative patients by a factor of 5 compared to seronegative patients who received only routine care. This means that for every 100 patients treated with antibody cocktails, there will be 6 fewer deaths.

For patients with negative serologic reactions, antibody cocktails reduced hospital stay by 4 days. There were also more patients who survived and were discharged by day 28 compared to those who received only regular care.

The study shows that patients with negative serum responses who received monoclonal antibody treatment also had a lower risk of having to rely on ventilators.

However, the effects of treatment differed between seronegative and seropositive patients.

Antibody cocktails can reduce late-stage mortality Covid: Expert

Sir Peter Horby, co-principal investigator of the recovery trial, said, “These results are very exciting. By giving a combination of antibodies that target the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Covid-19. There was great uncertainty about the value of antiviral therapy in late-stage Covid-19 disease. “

Hobby, a professor of emerging infectious diseases at Oxford University’s Nafield School of Medicine, added: “It’s great to learn that even with advanced Covid-19 disease, targeting the virus can reduce the mortality rate of failed patients, because it initiates its own antibody response.”

Sir Martin Landray, co-principal investigator for the RECOVERY trial, said: “”

“This is great news. It’s the first time that a life-saving antiviral treatment has been shown for a COVID-19 patient in the hospital. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many NHS staff and patients who have contributed to today’s discovery. “I will,” he added.

Landray is a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Nuffield Department of Population Health at Oxford University.

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