Connecticut reports two Powassan virus infections, how can this tick-borne disease be killed?
Tick sucks. The mites that carry the powassan virus are even worse. And if you are bitten by such a tick, you can get infected with the Powassan virus, which can really, really bite.
This is because Powassan virus infection can be very bad news. When the virus enters the bloodstream, it can spread to the central nervous system and cause havoc, causing encephalitis and meningitis. Such encephalitis is a serious condition, with 10% dying and 50% of survivors having permanent nervous system problems such as severe headaches and memory loss. Unfortunately, there are currently no vaccines or effective treatments for this virus.
Fortunately, Powassan virus infection was very rare in the United States until at least 2016. As data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showIn the first half of the 2010s, the annual number of cases reported in the United States did not exceed 12.
But, as is often the case, things changed in 2016. The number of cases surged from 6 in 2015 to 21 in 2016. After that, it worsened in three years, reaching 33 cases in 2017 and 21 cases in 2018. , And 39 cases in 2019. This makes Powassan virus infection rare, but relatively uncommon. The CDC has not yet posted data for 2020. Probably because the “pandemic turned the corner” reaction to last year’s pandemic exacerbated the pandemic of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
But now the concern is that 2021 may be a time bomb. Lack of attention to tick control last year can lead to a surge in these nasty insects. In Connecticut, two Powassan virus infections have already been reported, as follows: WFSB3 News segment showed:
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As you can see, both people developed symptoms in the third week of April. Both were subsequently hospitalized for central nervous system problems. Fortunately, however, both have been discharged and are now recovering.
This could signal an increase in the number of cases in 2021. From 2016 to 2020, a total of 10 cases were reported in Connecticut. If the state has two cases by June, we know how many more cases will occur because the deer mite season lasts until August.
Of course, Powassan virus infection is not common in 20, 30, or even 40 cases nationwide. The chances of getting injured in the bathroom are still much higher. However, Powassan virus infections, although still very rare, appear to be increasing.This is, in the words of the television series Pete Campbell mad Men, “Not good, Bob”.
As shown earlier, the Powassan virus can kill you or leave you with permanent disability. Not all infected people develop symptoms. Symptoms tend to occur one week to one month after being bitten by a tick. Some people develop encephalitis or meningitis. These are flashy terms that describe inflammation of the brain and the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. They can cause all kinds of neurological problems such as fever, headache, vomiting, malaise, confusion, loss of coordination, speech problems, and seizures. As explained by the CDC.. And, of course, there are some really bad symptoms: death.
Again, Powassan virus infection is still very rare. Nevertheless, the virus seems to be spreading to more and more states. From 2006 to 2015, most of the reported cases of Powassan virus infection with neurological disorders were in the three states of Minnesota (20), Wisconsin (16), and New York (16). However, in recent years, states such as Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine, Virginia, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut have been added.
And ah, deer, this could lead to even greater spread in the coming years. Past viruses were found primarily in rodent-biting mites such as groundhogs, squirrels and white-footed mice, but have further migrated to deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) in recent years. Compared to those other mites, deer ticks are more likely to bite humans.
So what can you do? Well, one thing is to avoid ticks. Mites are terrible talkers who chew and smoke. CDC is recommended Stay away from wooded, brushy areas. It is also helpful to wear an insect repellent consisting of at least 20% DEET, picaridin, or IR3535. So you can wear long-sleeved clothes and trousers. Mites are another reason why hiking with only laces is not a good idea.
Check yourself, your clothes, your equipment, your pets, your family, and your friends for ticks within two hours of going outdoors. Mites are often hidden under the arms, in and around the ears, inside the navel, behind the knees, between the legs, around the hips, and in the hair. Explain what you are doing before checking for other people’s ticks. After all, checking someone’s navel is not the same as waving that person’s hand. And usually, the phrase “I want to see between your legs” needs further explanation.
If you find a tick on yourself or someone else’s body, find the tweezers Follow these instructions on the CDC website.. Things can get worse if you simply try to remove the ticks from your skin. This may leave a tick piece on your skin, which is not good. Alternatively, mites can penetrate deep into the skin.
If you care about your clothes from a tick perspective, not from a fashion perspective, that is, wash your clothes with hot water or tumble dry them over high heat for at least 10 minutes. If you have a tick problem in your yard or surrounding area, don’t try to take care of it yourself. Call a professional, professional exterminator, or public health authority, not a professional wrestler.
Again, Powassan virus infection is still very rare. So you don’t have to press the panic button to hide in the toilet paper tent yet. Don’t have a panic button anyway. Because they tend to be pretty useless.Instead, mites can carry a wide variety of pathogens, including: Borrelia Burgdorferi It can cause Lyme disease. In addition, Powassan virus is another reason why more public health efforts are needed to better manage mite populations. Without any further attention, our country is certainly on a time bomb.
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