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Study: Rare COVID-19 Syndrome Common in Black, Latin American, and Asian Children | Chicago News

Study: Rare COVID-19 Syndrome Common in Black, Latin American, and Asian Children | Chicago News


Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a rare condition associated with children with coronavirus infection, is more likely to occur in black, Latin, and Asian children than in white children. I will. That is. To new research..

“This virus does not affect everyone equally,” he said. Dr. Patrick SeedHe was a pediatrician at Anne Androbert H. Lully Children’s Hospital in Chicago and did not participate in the study.

The researchers analyzed data from the US Center for Disease Control and Control to study about 250 children under the age of 21 who suffered from the syndrome between April and June 2020.

The analysis also found an increased incidence of inflammatory syndrome among children under the age of 5 and between the ages of 6 and 10. And Latino, Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander children were more affected than white children.

“This really suggests that black and brown have a higher incidence of MIS-C,” said Seed, a former head of infectious disease at Lurie Children’s Hospital. “It suggests one of two things: an environment in which the number of individuals with MIS-C is somehow facilitating the transition from COVID-19 to subsequent MIS-C development. It is one of the populations that may eventually become MIS-C due to the existence of different things or the different effects of the virus.

Both Seed and the authors of the treatise state that further research is needed to study the risk factors for this condition. This usually occurs up to 4 weeks after being infected with COVID-19 or spending time with someone who has COVID-19.

“When a child appears in MIS-C, they have a fever, they often feel quite sick, and they usually have some organs that are affected by inflammation of the body.” Seed Said. “MIS-C is rare, but it’s really very serious and we want our parents to recognize it.”

This syndrome can cause inflammation of the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal organs. According to the CDC.. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, red eyes, and extra malaise.

The CDC states that the cause of the syndrome is unknown, but recent studies have shown Clinical research journal It provides insight into the mechanism of the syndrome and identifies potential biomarkers for early detection, treatment and prevention.

In that study, researchers examined 100 children (19 with inflammatory syndrome, 26 with COVID-19, 55 healthy children), and viral particles remained in the intestines after the first COVID-19 infection. Was there. It has been found that it can stay and move into the bloodstream, causing an inflammatory condition.

A study of children in this condition found that SARS-CoV-2 was present in the gastrointestinal tract for an extended period of time. Researchers believe that this releases certain proteins that can cause the virus to leak from the intestines. It leads to blood flow and hyperinflammation.

“It explains why the child’s intestines are so upset,” said Seed, who treated the patient in this condition, although it wasn’t part of the study. “They now have this leaky intestine, which causes all this pain and discomfort.”

The study also records the treatment of 17-month-old babies with inflammatory syndrome using drugs that prevent viral particles from leaking from the intestines into the bloodstream.

According to Seed, it may be a promising potential treatment, but more data is needed.

“It’s clear that there isn’t enough data to know if one child can use it safely, and this is not an approved drug for use in children,” he said. .. He added that he had permission to use it. .. “But (researchers) have provided a proof of concept that this is one of the effective approaches and, in fact, also works for many of the Leaky Gut syndromes found in children.” “

Even the latest studies leave questions about the link between inflammatory syndrome and COVID-19.

“We really don’t know the causes and consequences of all these,” Seed said. “Some of that work still needs to be done, but this is a huge problem. Why are so many children still infected with COVID-19? Do you have children? … This paper is really great and gives us a lot of potential insights, especially by understanding the causes and consequences and who the child is at risk. There are many things.

According to Seed, the best way to protect a child from inflammatory syndrome is to prevent the child from becoming infected with COVID-19. This means vaccination of qualified children.

Children who are not yet qualified or have weakened immunity should continue to wear masks. Adults can protect their children by being vaccinated.

“We need to build communities and cocoons around these children of vaccinated people, and they will buffer the material,” Seed said. “In a sense, they are protection. They are less likely to get infected and give it to children who can get infected.”

Contact Kristen Thometz: @kristenthometz | (773) 509-5452 | [email protected]

Study: Rare COVID-19 Syndrome Common in Black, Latin American, and Asian Children | Chicago News

Source link Study: Rare COVID-19 Syndrome Common in Black, Latin American, and Asian Children | Chicago News

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