The UK has recorded more than 10,000 virus cases for the first time since February

The recent surge in coronavirus infection in the UK is accelerating
According to government statistics, an additional 11,007 cases have been reported. This is the highest number of days since February 19, when 12,027 cases were recorded, and cement is in the midst of a third wave of pandemics in Europe’s country with the highest number of virus-related deaths. He says.
Professor Chris Whitty, the government’s chief medical adviser, said the current surge is “still uncertain” but “definitely leads to more hospitalizations and, unfortunately, more deaths.”
The daily number of cases has fluctuated around the previous 2,000 mark and has increased quite sharply in the past few weeks. The delta mutant, first identified in India and considered by government scientists to be 40% to 80% more contagious than previous dominant strains, accounts for approximately 95% of all new cases in the United Kingdom. I will.
Most of the newly identified cases belong to a younger age group who have not yet been infected with COVID-19. vaccine.. Health Minister Matt Hancock confirmed that the widespread deployment of the vaccine in the UK has been extended to all adults over the age of 18 since Friday.
The spread of variants plans for the government to lift all remaining restrictions on social contact in the United Kingdom starting next week. On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson postponed the move until July 19, saying it was “time to loosen the accelerator” and that more people could be vaccinated and thousands of deaths could be prevented. It was.
By July 19, Johnson hopes that two-thirds of the UK’s adult population will be vaccinated twice, including everyone over the age of 50.
Government figures on Thursday showed that another 19 people died after testing for the virus. This is the highest number of deaths per day since May 11.
Whitty, the government’s chief medical adviser, said he should be prepared for another wave of the virus, in addition to warning about further deaths in the near future.
“In the medium term, we expect more winter surges and late fall / winter surges, as we know that winter and fall are in favor of respiratory viruses, and therefore very much. Surprisingly, this particular highly contagious respiratory virus was also disliked, “he said in a speech. health Expert.
Many have accused the conservatives of the outbreak of infection and said it was too late to impose the strictest quarantine requirements on anyone arriving from India who has endured a catastrophic resurgence of the virus.
Vaccine deployment is expected to turn around the latest surge and provide the next mitigation of the blockade. As of Thursday, about 63% of the UK population has been vaccinated at least once and about 46% have been vaccinated twice.
According to a Monday analysis by the UK Public Health Service, the two doses of the main vaccines used by the UK are very effective for hospitalization with delta variants. 96% for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 92% for AstraZeneca jab.
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