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What the UK can learn from other countries’ responses to Covid-19 | Shiva Ananda Shiva


Looking at how health care services in different countries have responded to Covid, we can find some commonalities. Many countries are increasing funding for health care, increasing the number of front-line clinical staff, providing separate areas to care for patients with confirmed or suspected Covid-19, and using digital technology to make virtual appointments rather than face-to-face appointments is providing.

However, there are some differences. If you look a little closer, it’s clear that we have something to teach and something to learn from every health system. From a nationalized (and commissioned) system capable of raising surgical resources in the region and supporting large-scale trials to test new therapies, the UK has played a key role in delivering the largest vaccines, from a historically strong primary care model. We have achievements to share. A program in British history while providing daily care to patients.

There is also a lot we can learn from other countries. Some countries affected by SARS, such as Singapore, have developed new types of facilities with more single and containment rooms, better ventilation, and a versatile design that can quickly adapt to surges in demand. The government’s new hospital building program must ensure that NHS facilities are better equipped to deal with future epidemics.

We can also learn from how other countries are increasing their health and medical workforce during spikes in demand like epidemics. Even before COVID-19, some states, such as France, set up permanent reserve lists of workers that could be rapidly expanded and mobilized to support health care. Other countries that mandate community services often provide placements in hospitals, ambulance services, and nursing homes. During COVID-19, the NHS workforce was strengthened by a dedicated corps of volunteers, retired clinicians, and clinical students, but exploring other approaches to rapidly expanding the health and medical workforce will remain in mind with future epidemics in mind. I will be careful.

Virtual GPs and outpatient appointments have skyrocketed here, but other countries with more advanced health data systems are accelerating the use of digital technology to support health care. In countries such as Singapore and Denmark, autonomous disinfecting robots have helped clean care environments and have developed command centers to coordinate health care responses based on real-time data. The NHS has worked hard to collect and use data in a more sophisticated way during Covid-19, but a more sustained effort on digital technologies is needed to give the UK the modern tools it needs to combat future pandemics.

The last international class is the simplest. Give health and care systems the resources they need for resilience. The NHS has entered an epidemic with growing waiting lists for treatment, overcrowding hospitals and fewer doctors, nurses and intensive care units than comparable countries. Countries like Japan and Germany acted to strengthen their social welfare systems decades ago, while successive governments avoided the problem of social welfare reform. According to the Care Quality Commission, these measures have put the UK’s health care and social welfare system in the face of a tsunami of unmet needs and hospitals are full of stranded patients who could be discharged if they had the support they needed.

Our health and management system was agile enough to create an emergency field hospital, convert a general hospital ward into an intensive care area, and use the private sector capacity available during the pandemic. But I can’t shake the impression that the NHS starts from the back of the line, so you have to hit the accelerator harder. While the promises of social welfare fund reform and new funding deals for the NHS are welcome, there is plenty of evidence to make up for 10 years after the fund has failed to keep pace with growing demand and the health care and health workforce crisis is allowed to develop. .

According to recently released data, the UK is still in the middle of the developed world, lagging behind countries like France and Germany in funding our health care. Although the government has promised a new financing deal for the NHS, it is unlikely that this will put us at the top of the international leaderboard on health funding. And while the new investment is obviously significant, it won’t be enough to meet medium-term pressures on services to extinguish fires on multiple fronts. Epidemic.




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