Strong Factors in Indian Diaspora Success in the UK Family Support: A Report

A new study published in London found that the importance of family support, a determination to succeed in the face of all odds, a strong work ethic and optimism for the future are among the factors identified behind the success of diaspora Indians in the UK.
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‘British India: The Diaspora Effect 2.0’, edited by Grant Thornton and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce (FICCI) and published Friday at the High Commissioner for India in London, features a series of interviews with leading diaspora entrepreneurs. Experts who contributed to Indo-British relations.
The number of Indian diasporas in the UK is now close to 1.7 million, according to reports, while the last census estimated it to be 1.5 million.
At the inauguration ceremony in India, High Commissioner Gaitri Issar Kumar of India to the UK said: “The Diaspora is the heart of Indo-British relations, a bridge of steel and a living bridge warmly described by our esteemed Prime Minister.” House.
“As our government’s special envoy in London, it is my endeavor to strengthen these strong connections through outreach and engagement across the UK. We will work together to strengthen our superior ties at all levels,” he said.
Baron Usha Prashar, an Indian colleague who chairs the FICCI British Committee, stressed the role of youth in strengthening bilateral relations.
“Today, Diaspora Indians are one of the largest immigrant communities in the UK. Diaspora Indian youth play an essential role in innovation and new technologies at a global level. We must motivate them to devise innovative solutions to local problems in India. ” She said.
The 2022 report builds on the first ‘Diaspora Effect’ report launched in 2020. The report identified around 654 diaspora-owned or diaspora-led companies across the UK with annual sales of GBP 100,000 or more.
According to the research at the time, these companies had annual turnover of at least £36.84 billion and provided around 174,000 jobs.
Anuj Chande, Partner at Grant Thornton and Head of the South Asia Group, said, “With this follow-up report, we wanted to take a much more qualitative approach with cross-sections of the interview.
“As India becomes an increasingly important force globally and the UK expresses a desire to strengthen its long-standing relationship with India, the diaspora is perfectly positioned to strengthen ties between the two countries and continue to contribute to economic development. in,” he said.
Referring to the company’s recent ‘Business Outlook Tracker’, Grant Thornton believes that around 65% of UK business leaders believe a free trade agreement (FTA) with India will encourage businesses to explore more opportunities in the Indian market.
The second round of India-British FTA negotiations are set to begin on Monday among officials.
“India is already an important UK partner, so an FTA is a natural next step to further strengthen our relationship,” added Chande.
The Diaspora report is split across key sectors of healthcare. food and beverages; hospitality and real estate; pharmaceutical and life sciences; technology, media and communications; Sleeve; and financial services.
It includes interviews with first-generation UK-based entrepreneurs like hotelier Surinder Arora and fintech pioneer Rishi Khosla, and second-generation business leaders like Leena Malde and Akash Mehta.
The report also presents the changing dynamics and challenges within the community, such as succession planning and the complexity of inclusion and diversity, as Indian companies transition from 1st to 2nd generation.
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