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Dallas Pizzeria ranked among the best in the United States – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Dallas Pizzeria ranked among the best in the United States – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth



Who says you can’t find a good pizza place in Dallas?

No one can do it anymore after Partenope Dallas ranks number 17 on a new list of the nation’s best pizzerias.

The list is compiled by 50 TopPizza, an online guide to the best pizzas in Italy and around the world with a preference for style.

With a corner entrance, the place is sleek and modern,” the online guide says. “Dino Sannicola, owner and cook, continues his project of running a typical southern Italian-style restaurant that has a Neapolitan feel clear, thanks in particular to the perfectly executed classic pizzas. In addition to the margherita, there is a wide range of choices which includes the calzone. Salads, fries and pasta are not lacking either, all in the purest Italian style. The beer list is small. The service is excellent.

Partenope Dallas

Pizzerias are judged on pizza, service, space, ambience and decor, wait, wine, beer and drinks.

“It is important to consider that 50TopPizza does not indicate the best pizza or the best pizza maker. It indicates the best pizzeria thanks to the various factors that we have previously stated”, according to the guide’s site.

As for the pizza, it “must be above all good and digestible whatever the style adopted by the pizzeria. There is an additional evaluation which takes into consideration the way in which the various elements have been combined. The quality of the products used is important and decisive.”

“A genuine smile and kindness” from the staff is important in the area of ​​service.

As for the space, the atmosphere and the decor, “It doesn’t matter whether the pizzeria is big or small, but it must be kept clean throughout the service. This includes the toilets.”

The wine lists are appreciated. “50 TopPizza hates and rejects impersonal lists, wine lists that are essentially a photocopy given by distributors, and those that don’t include local productions.”

Points are awarded to restaurants that offer craft beers as well as those that offer cocktails “as long as they don’t overpower the primary role of wine and beer.”

Partenope Dallas opened in November 2019 at 1903 Main Street downtown and has survived the challenges of the pandemic.

Owner Dino Sannicola posted a photo of the TopPizza 50 certificate with a thank you note.

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone! My family, my staff and our customers! It’s great to be among the best pizzerias in the country, hands down,” Sannicola wrote.

Two other Texas pizzerias are also on the list. Il Forno in San Antonio was named 32nd best with Austin’s Bufalina Due at number 39.




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