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Taiwan not on US House Speaker Nancy Pelosis Asia’s itinerary | News | DW

Taiwan not on US House Speaker Nancy Pelosis Asia’s itinerary |  News |  DW
Taiwan not on US House Speaker Nancy Pelosis Asia’s itinerary |  News |  DW


The office of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a statement on Sunday outlining the countries and places that would be visited during a congressional delegation’s trip to the Indo-Pacific region, with no mention of Taiwan on the route.

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading a Congressional delegation to the Indo-Pacific region, including visits to Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan,” her office said in a press release.

The statement went on to say, “The trip will focus on mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance in the Indo-Pacific region.”

The all-Democratic delegation includes House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory Meeks, as well as members of the House Standing Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Armed Services Committee.

Chinese Air Force pledges to ‘safeguard’ territory

On Sunday, Chinese Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke was quoted by state media as saying that Beijing will “resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

Jinke also said the air force has a number of fighter jets capable of circling “the precious island of our homeland”, a reference to Taiwan.

There has been intense speculation over the preparations for the delegation’s visit to the region, with Chinese President Xi Jinping warning US President Joe Biden this week that “those who play with fire will only be burned”.

Analyst tells DW Taiwan ‘stopover’ not out of the question

Amanda Hsiao, senior China analyst at global think tank International Crisis Group, told DW that while Pelosi’s trip may not be mentioned on the official itinerary, a stopover in Taiwan cannot be ignored.

“I think it’s still unclear whether Pelosi will be going to Taiwan or not, even though the official statement doesn’t mention Taiwan. It could be a way to reduce the officiality and significance of the trip by leaving Taiwan. outside of the statement. It could be that they haven’t made a decision yet. She could still stop over,” Hsiao said.

Hsiao believes that in the current climate of tension between the United States and China, a visit by Pelosi could prompt some form of military response from Beijing.

“I think the Chinese will respond militarily if Pelosi goes to Taiwan. It could be a series of military exercises near Taiwan or sending larger-scale military aircraft across the center line of the strait. from Taiwan. There are a number of options that China can take to show how strongly it opposes the potential trip.”

Why Taiwan is such a sensitive issue for US-China relations

China considers Taiwan part of its territory and is committed to reuniting the democratically-ruled island with the mainland, even if that means using force.

In light of Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine, fears that China is turning this threat into reality are growing.

Beijing has warned of ‘serious repercussions’ if Pelosi travels to Taiwan, as it would be a dramatic symbol of support for the island and the first time a speaker of the US House of Representatives has visited there would return in 25 years.

Pelosi is known to be a longtime critic of China and has condemned human rights abuses in the country.

Washington follows a “one China” policy and diplomatically recognizes Beijing instead of Taipei, which means Taiwan has no official relationship with the United States.

However, the United States provides considerable political and military support to Taiwan while refraining from formal diplomatic relations.

ko (Reuters, AFP)




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