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The United States and its allies pledge to protect Ukraine’s infrastructure from Russian attacks

The United States and its allies pledge to protect Ukraine’s infrastructure from Russian attacks


MNSTER, Germany The Group of 7 nations announced on Friday that they would work together to rebuild critical infrastructure in Ukraine that was destroyed by the Russian military and to defend these sites against further attacks.

The countries’ top diplomats discussed sending more defensive military equipment to Ukraine to help ward off Russian missile and drone attacks that are crippling the country’s infrastructure, an official said on Friday. senior US State Department official.

The diplomats, meeting behind closed doors, discussed the war and which countries have the right equipment to send Ukraine for air defense, the official said.

The Group of 7 issued a broad statement on Friday that stated positions on a wide range of issues ranging from war in Russia and Ukraine to China to Iran and underlined their agreement to protect the Ukrainian infrastructure. The declaration was the culmination of two days of meetings of foreign ministers in the old town hall of Münster, where the negotiations that led to the Peace of Westphalia took place, ending two European wars of the 17th century in which millions of people died.

We are focusing our security support more on protecting Ukraine from these attacks, strengthening air defenses and increasing defense production, said Antony J. Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State, during a a press conference.

Diplomats also discussed veiled threats by President Vladimir V. Putin to use nuclear weapons, the State Department official said. US officials say the chances of Mr Putin using a tactical nuclear weapon on the battlefield are low, but a US intelligence assessment that circulated in mid-October said Russian military leaders had spoken about the timing and of how to use tactical nuclear weapons, The New York Times reported this week.

In its statement, the Group of 7 denounced Mr. Putin’s recent allusions to the possible use by Moscow of such a weapon.

Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric is unacceptable, ministers said. Any use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by Russia would have serious consequences.

For now, Mr. Putin has adopted another tactic: using missile and drone attacks to damage Ukraine’s energy grid infrastructure. US and European officials say he seeks to break the morale of Ukrainians by depriving them of electricity and heating during the winter.

To carry out such attacks, Russia obtained drones from Iran, and diplomats discussed imposing new economic sanctions on Tehran, the US official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to give details of the diplomatic conversations.


Nov. Feb. 4, 2022, 4:25 p.m. ET

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister, spoke via video at the groups’ meeting on Thursday afternoon, despite his country not being a member of the G7.

The diplomats also talked about how to prevent global energy prices from skyrocketing because of the war, the US official said. A partial embargo on Russian oil is set to come into effect in early December, which could lead to a sharp rise in oil prices if allied countries do not use a proposed price cap mechanism to get Russia to keep selling its oil. to some of the Group of 7 nations, but at a lower price.

The group’s press release indicates that the price cap will be finalized in the coming weeks. And he urged oil-producing countries to increase production.

The call seemed like a message to Saudi Arabia, the world’s second-largest oil producer, which joined Russia in leading OPEC Plus in announcing a sharp cut in production in October, infuriating President Biden. The Times reported that U.S. officials believe they struck a secret deal with Saudi Arabia in May for OPEC Plus to ramp up production through this year.

The Group of 7 nations set a cautious tone for China in its statement, in contrast to the more combative language of the Biden administration. The first line of the China section indicates that the group will aim for constructive cooperation with China wherever possible, especially on climate change and global health. The group went on to criticize China’s human rights abuses and aggression against Taiwan.

The group discussed concerns about conflicts in the East and South China Seas and the need for a free and open Indo-Pacific language clearly aimed at China, although the country is not named in these sections.

The United States has worked to get European nations to take a tougher line on China. Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a one-day visit to Beijing on Friday to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping. He brought in German business executives, raising concerns among Beijing critics over whether Germany was prioritizing economic relations with China over national security and human rights issues. ‘man.

Mr Blinken said the United States and Europe largely agreed on China’s approach. The convergence of alignment with China, he said, is growing stronger and clearer.




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