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Canada completes reverse sweep of USA in Game 7 of Rivalry Series for second straight year

Canada completes reverse sweep of USA in Game 7 of Rivalry Series for second straight year
Canada completes reverse sweep of USA in Game 7 of Rivalry Series for second straight year


Natalie Spooner and Emma Maltais each scored twice, Ann-Renée Desbiens made 24 saves and Canada beat the United States 6-1 on Sunday in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the deciding seventh game of the Rivalry Series.

Marie-Philip Poulin and Ashton Bell also scored for Canada and Sarah Nurse added three assists. This is the second consecutive rivalry series in which the United States has won the first three games, only to see Canada come back strong and win four games in a row.

“I think it says a lot about how we stick to our game, even when we're down and facing adversity,” Maltais said. “I think today we showed a lot of character and we will continue to move forward.”

WATCH l Canada hits USA in Game 7:

Canada defeats the United States in game seven for a second straight reverse sweep of the Rivalry Series. Canada defeats the United States 6-1 to win the Rivalry Series. This is the second year in a row that Canada has come back from a 3-0 deficit to win the series.

The series began in November with two American victories in Tempe, Arizona, and Los Angeles. The teams split two games in Ontario in December, with Canada winning the fourth game in a shootout. Then, Canada won back-to-back last week in Saskatchewan.

“Canada-USA games are always exciting games and games to get up for,” Spooner said. “Obviously knowing we were behind in the series, every game was a do or die game for us. Game 7 was like our gold medal game, our Super Bowl, so we were just excited for the game.”

WATCH l Canada evens the Rivalry Series with a 3rd consecutive victory:

Canada eliminates the United States in Regina for a third straight Rivalry Series victory. Saskatoon native Emily Clark scores a goal in her home province of Saskatchewan as Canada beats the United States 3-0 to even the Rivalry Series at 3-3. The seventh and decisive game will be played Sunday in St. Paul, Minnesota. Grace Zumwinkle scored for the Americans. Nicole Hensley stopped 10 of 13 shots before being replaced midway through the match by Abbey Levy, who made six saves.

“We never felt like the momentum shifted in our favor. But we have to earn that momentum and I don't think we did that,” said U.S. veteran Kendall Coyne Schofield. “Any time you wear red, white and blue, you have to execute better.”

Canada opened the scoring on its first power play. Hensley stopped Spooner's shot and made a sprawling save at the left post to deny Brianne Jenner the rebound. But Hensley failed to cover the puck and Spooner, during a scrum in front of the net, knocked it away at 12:06 of the first period. It was the second goal in two games for Spooner, who leads the PWHL with seven goals.

Heise is injured

The Americans suffered a big loss in the first period when star forward Taylor Heise was knocked out of the game with an upper-body injury suffered while breaking up a Canadian scoring chance. Heise was able to skate off the ice but did not return.

“It’s going to be tough,” said U.S. head coach John Wroblewski. “You lose your (first-line center), your power play catalyst for our first unit. That definitely played a role on our special teams.”

Poulin made it 2-0 less than a minute into the second period as the Canadiens converted their second straight power play. Canada's captain received a pass at the top of the left circle and sent a wrist shot over Hensley's shoulder for her first goal of the series.

CAPTAIN CANADA! @pou29 | #RivalrySeries |


Midway through the second period, Maltais caught a loose puck in the American zone and found Bell trailing in the top slot. Bell scored on the pass, making the score 3-0.

Zumwinkle took advantage of Desbiens' only error to score a shorthanded goal. Desbiens came out of her net to try to clear the puck, but Zumwinkle blocked the pass and won the race to the empty net.

Spooner cut the lead to three goals shortly after a power play ended, beating Levy with a wrist shot from the slot to make it 4-1 late in the second. Maltais scored his goals in the third period.

A quick response from @natspooner5!
A quick retort from Natalie Spooner! #RivalrySeries |


The teams will next meet at the IIHF World Women's Championship, scheduled for April 3-14 in Utica, New York. The United States will defend its title, which it won last year after blowing a 3-0 lead in the Rivalry Series. Zumwinkle noted the similarity and expressed hope that the pattern would repeat itself.

“To have the same result last year and then to win gold at the world championships last year,” Zumwinkle said, “is the writing on the wall, hopefully, for a better result next time. “




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