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UK weather: Snow forecast due to 'cold and uneasy' conditions | uk news

UK weather: Snow forecast due to 'cold and uneasy' conditions |  uk news
UK weather: Snow forecast due to 'cold and uneasy' conditions |  uk news


Snow could fall in parts of the UK later this week as conditions get “colder and more unsettled”.

The Korea Meteorological Administration said that there is a possibility of heavy rain as wet weather spreads over the next 24 hours.

The outlook said: “Friday and Saturday will become colder and more unsettled with heavy rainfall expected in some areas.

“There is a risk of sleet and snow on the hillsides, with lower levels possible.”

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Image: File photo: PA

The rain will be followed by drier weather on Thursday, but showers could “turn to wintry conditions in the north and higher elevations”, according to the Met Office.

Sky News weather producer Christopher England said this year's mild weather would be followed by a period of cold weather.

“The influx of south-westerly winds with the current low-pressure system has temporarily moderated this, but as rain clears and air currents flow further north, temperatures will end the week close to or slightly below seasonal averages,” he said. .

“Heavy showers will bring sleet and snow to the hills, which may be quite low at times.

“Frost is expected overnight as the winds ease.

“It looks like it will get a little milder again on Monday.”

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Image: Flooding in Norfolk at the end of the month after more rain than usual. Photo:PA

Ahead of early March, forecasters said there was a “high likelihood of unsettled showers” ​​due to continued rain and strong winds in the south.

In the UK, there was almost a third more rain than normally expected in February.

The Met Office has not yet confirmed average rainfall figures for this month, but it would need to top 213.7 mm (8.41 inches) to be wetter than 2020.

Met Office meteorologist Ellie Glaisyer said: “While some areas may approach or exceed record levels, the UK as a whole is unlikely to see the level of rainfall we saw in 2020.”

“The UK recorded 131% of the normally expected February rainfall.”

She said there was 78% more rain than expected in England, 53% more in Wales, but slightly less rain than average in Scotland (6%) and almost a fifth less rain in Northern Ireland (18% below average).

Mr Glaisyer said the heaviest rain occurred in February across central and southern England.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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