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Reform UK says it has published its shortlist early to allow the media to help vet it | british reform

Reform UK says it has published its shortlist early to allow the media to help vet it |  british reform
Reform UK says it has published its shortlist early to allow the media to help vet it |  british reform


Reform UK published its list of candidates early to help the media and other organizations vet the candidates, said party leader Richard Tice.

The Democratic Party has pledged to field 600 candidates running against all Conservatives in the next general election, but was forced to drop 10 candidates who were reported to have made or liked racist, sexist and homophobic comments on social media.

Asked whether he was confident Reform had a robust process in place to screen congressional candidates, Tice said the screening process was the same as MOT.

It's valid the day they did it, but the next Friday night if someone has a drink or two too many and posts something on social media, they permanently regret it and, in a sense, they never stop, he said.

Speaking at a press conference in Westminster, Thais said Reform was a fast-growing party but did not have the resources that Labor and the Tories had – they were completely different parties.

He said the party was increasing its scrutiny of candidates and looking at new technologies, but the Reform Party was the party that made the quickest decisions when someone did, said or wrote something completely inappropriate.

He added: One of the reasons we published our candidate list earlier than many other political parties was to open ourselves up to scrutiny by various organizations and the media, and in some ways that is a good thing. They are helping us with the screening process.

Five prospective parliamentary candidates – Amodio Amato, Jonathan Kay, Mick Greenhough, Pete Addis and Ian Harris – were dropped last week over social media posts.

The charity Hope Not Hate released messages from Kay, Greenhough and Harris. Kay, who was previously a candidate for South Ribble, said Africans have the lowest IQ in the world and Muslims never coexist with other people.

Greenhough, a former Orpington candidate, said in 2019 that Ashkenazi Jews were a problem and had caused enormous misery in the world. Last year he said his only solution was to remove Muslims from our territory.

Addis, who was the party's candidate for South Shropshire, described Angela Rayner as a slag and wrote: Bum sex, this is where the brown babies come in! He also said the following about Chinese slurs: It meant nothing. That's because we ate a lot of Chinese food when we were growing up. I didn't mean to be racist, my mom just tagged me.

Amato, a former candidate for Stevenage, described London as an Islamic state and said there would be a Muslim army led by Sadiq Khan.

Benjamin Beau Dade has been withdrawn as a candidate for South Swindon following a Hope Not Hate investigation. Ginny Ball from Rutland and Stamford, Nick Davies from North East Bedfordshire, David Carpin from Henley and Thame and Roger Hoe from Beverley and Holderness were all sacked for commenting or liking on social media.

Tice said: Every political party honestly has its fair share of Muppets and idiots. He would have seen it in the sexual eccentricities of the Tory party, and he would have seen it in the anti-Semitism of the Labor Party and George Galloway's party. So I said I would remove and not tolerate anyone behaving inappropriately.

He said Reform is looking into new AI software that could literally monitor people. [candidates] live.

At a press conference titled Labor's betrayal of the working class, Tice pledged to tackle NHS waiting lists within two years, claiming it would pay for itself by scrapping its plan to reach net zero by 2050 and provide $30 billion a year. The party's intentions were explained.

Tice also said he would offer a 20% tax break on independent insurance and health insurance to encourage those who can afford private insurance to ease pressure on the NHS.




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