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More Americans say the U.S. isn't helping Ukraine enough

More Americans say the U.S. isn't helping Ukraine enough
More Americans say the U.S. isn't helping Ukraine enough


WASHINGTON, DC – As military aid to Ukraine remains stalled in the U.S. House of Representatives, Americans themselves are split evenly, at 36 percent each, between those who think the United States is doing it too much to help Ukraine and those who feel that they are not doing so. enough. This is, however, a more favorable ratio of opinion for Ukraine than last fall, when more people thought the United States was doing too much (41%) than not enough (25%). .

It comes as Americans' perceptions of who will win the war have also shifted, with more now saying Russia rather than Ukraine has the upper hand, even though a majority of American adults do not always consider neither side to be a winner.

Partisans remain sharply divided in their views on the war, with Democrats more supportive than Republicans of aid to Ukraine. However, the gap is now at an all-time high, given Democrats' growing belief since last fall that the United States is not doing enough. Republicans' minimal agreement with this position has not changed, and the views of political independents are closer to those of Republicans than to those of Democrats.

Increase in percentage of Americans who think the United States is not helping Ukraine enough

This is the first time that fewer than 30% of Americans believe the United States is doing the right thing to support Ukraine, which was the most widely held view last June, when 43% were this opinion. Last fall, the percentage of people who thought the United States was doing too much increased, although that view has since softened.


The latest data comes from a Gallup poll conducted March 1-17, several weeks after the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan aid package providing $60 billion in funding for Ukraine. The bill stalled in the House of Representatives as Speaker Mike Johnson struggled to gain support from his Republican caucus, which currently holds a slim two-vote majority. Conservative House Republicans have pledged not to support any foreign aid bill that does not include funding for strengthening the U.S. southern border.

Democrats – and, to a lesser extent, independents – are behind the rise since October in the view that the United States is not doing enough in the conflict. Sixty percent of Democrats (up 22 percentage points) say U.S. support for Ukraine is insufficient, while 34 percent of independents (up nine points) agree. At the same time, Republican opinion remains essentially unchanged, with 15% saying the United States is not doing enough.


Additionally, between 25 and 28 percent of all three political groups believe the current level of aid to Ukraine is about right, while 57 percent of Republicans, 39 percent of independents, and 13 percent of Democrats think the United States is doing too much. Before October, no more than 50% of Republicans and 35% of independents thought the United States was doing too much.

The majority remains in favor of supporting Ukraine in the reconquest of its territory

Fifty-five percent of Americans think the United States should continue to support Ukraine in regaining its territory, even if it requires prolonged involvement, rather than ending the conflict as quickly as possible, even if it means ceding territory to Russia (43%). These results are unchanged from previous readings in October. However, the percentage of Americans now in favor of continuing the fight to reclaim Ukrainian territory is lower than the 62% to 66% who preferred this approach between August 2022 and June 2023.


As has been the case since August 2022, a large majority of Democrats (77%) prefer to help Ukraine recover the land it lost to Russia. In contrast, 45% of Republicans and 47% of independents favor the same approach, while a slim majority of both party groups support a quick end to the war.

More people say Russia won, but majority still don't see either side winning

The majority of Americans, 65 percent, continue to think the war in Ukraine is at a stalemate, but they are more likely today (23 percent) than in October (14 percent) to say Russia is earn. The 12% of American adults who believe Ukraine is winning the war is down from 20% in October.


Since the last survey, Russia has made some progress in Ukraine, while Ukraine has not been able to do much in its counter-offensive efforts.

Partisan perceptions of the war are almost identical, but this was not always the case. In the previous two readings, Democrats were far more likely than Republicans and independents to say Ukraine was winning. Last June, 45% of Democrats said Ukraine was winning the war, but that figure fell to 32% in October and now stands at 15%. Meanwhile, 11% of Republicans and 10% of independents now believe Ukraine is winning.

Republicans have a slight advantage in handling the US response to the war

Americans are slightly more likely to say Republicans in Congress are doing a better job handling the U.S. response to the war in Ukraine than to say Joe Biden is (49% vs. 44%, respectively). Likewise, Donald Trump (50%) is ahead of Biden (46%) as potentially better at managing the American response.

Large majorities of Republicans and Democrats choose their own party's congressional leaders and 2024 presidential candidates as the best managers of the United States' response to the Russia-Ukraine war, while a slim majority of independents favor Republican leaders.



Two years after Russia invaded Ukraine, Americans are divided over whether U.S. support for Ukraine is enough. Yet a majority continues to believe that contributing to the reconquest of Ukrainian territory is worth it, however long it may take. Partisans have dramatically different views on the topic, with Democrats far more supportive of aid to Ukraine than Republicans. This happened among congressional Republicans as U.S. aid to Ukraine was delayed in the House. Johnson is trying to forge a compromise, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has issued a dire warning that aid is needed now, but Johnson could lose his job as president if he doesn't satisfy different segments of the Republican caucus.

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