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Building on the legacy of Bletchley Park, England and Korea

Building on the legacy of Bletchley Park, England and Korea
Building on the legacy of Bletchley Park, England and Korea


Leading AI countries will join the summit at the two-day AI Seoul Summit on May 21 and 22, addressing the capabilities of advanced AI models and additional commitments from developers to the AI ​​Safety Summit and how they can equally share the benefits of innovation and technology. We will focus on:

The UK and South Korea are pushing ahead with plans for the next global discussion on the safe development of artificial intelligence through the AI ​​Seoul Summit on 21 and 22 May.

The summit will demonstrate the potential capabilities of the most advanced AI models, building on a broad consensus that includes the Bletchley Declaration and developers' commitment to AI safety at the AI ​​Safety Summit held in the UK last November. We plan to lead the discussion on AI safety. .

Additionally, countries will come together to make the technology more inclusive to share the benefits and opportunities of AI equally, and to discuss how attendees can further advance innovation. AI innovations have already helped enable important breakthroughs in fields such as healthcare and drug discovery, and are being used to increase effectiveness in other settings, such as education and combating climate change.

The first day of the AI ​​Seoul Summit will feature a virtual leadership session co-chaired by Chancellor Rishi Sunak and President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Seok-yeol. Selected global industry leaders will also be invited to provide an update on how Bletchley Park is delivering on its commitments to ensure the safety of its models. This was done ahead of a face-to-face meeting of digital ministers on the second day, co-hosted by UK Technology Minister Michelle Donelan and Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning Lee Jong-ho.

Next month's summit will continue the legacy of the Bletchley Park discussions and leverage its momentum to once again bring together international governments, AI companies, academia and civil society to advance the global AI safety agenda. The summit comes at a critical time for technology, with increasingly capable and advanced AI models expected to be released throughout 2024.

Michelle Donelan, UK Minister for Science, Innovation and Skills, said:

The summit we held at Bletchley Park last November was a transgenerational moment. We agreed to the historic Bletchley Declaration and ensured that the debate on AI was safely placed on the international agenda.

I am confident that as we continue to bring together international governments and diverse voices, we can continue to develop a global approach that can safely and responsibly realize the transformative potential of this generation-defining technology.

I look forward to further developing the Bletchley Effect at this summit in South Korea, a country with a rich history of technological innovation to advance the global conversation on AI safety.

Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho said:

Last year's AI Safety Summit held in Bletchley, England, marked a milestone in bringing together government, industry, and academia to address the potential risks of AI, and we are pleased that Korea will be taking up the baton from the United Kingdom.

AI is advancing at an unprecedented rate that exceeds our expectations, and it is important to leverage these technological innovations to establish global norms and governance to improve human well-being.

We hope that the AI ​​Seoul Summit will serve as an opportunity to strengthen global cooperation not only on AI safety, but also on AI innovation and inclusion, and promote sustainable AI development.

Innovation has a particular focus on the UK's overall approach to AI. Projects like the Manchester Prize commit governments to $1 million a year to leverage technology and advance solutions to pressing problems such as climate change. Energy efficiency.

The UK continues to drive international collaboration on AI safety through the AI ​​Safety Institute, the world's first national support organization dedicated to AI safety. The institute has already published a detailed approach to assessing model safety, rapidly expanded its ranks of researchers, and earlier this month documented a historic agreement with the United States on AI safety.

The AI ​​Seoul Summit is the first edition of the International Scientific Report on Advanced AI Safety, a core commitment of the Bletchley Park Summit independently led by Turing Award winner Joshua Bengio and integrating the best existing scientific research on AI. It goes hand in hand with the announcement of . AI safety around the world. The report's international expert review panel includes representatives from the UK, South Korea and other leading AI countries.

The UK will work closely with international governments, AI companies and civil society to ensure that people around the world can safely realize the transformative benefits of AI, creating new opportunities, transforming productivity and public services and driving economic growth.

Note to editors

Details about summit attendees will be announced at a later date.

Virtual Leaders' Session Building on the AI ​​Safety Summit: Toward an Innovative and Inclusive Future The first day's virtual leaders' session will focus on deepening consensus on AI safety while also focusing on broader aspects of global AI governance centered on innovation and inclusion. It will.

The second day of the summit will be held in Seoul, where ministers will discuss ways to ensure AI safety and explore ways to foster sustainable development of AI.

The AI ​​Seoul Summit is the latest international summit on AI safety, which kicked off at Bletchley Park last November and will continue with summits in France over the next 12 months.

Ahead of the AI ​​Seoul Summit, the UK appointed Imran Shafi, Director of AI Policy at the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Technology, and Henry De Zoete, Advisor on Artificial Intelligence to the Prime Minister, to lead preparations. The approach to AI must complement the country’s existing strengths, which is why the UK has firmed up its regulatory approach following the discussions at Bletchley Park. Last February, the government announced its response to the AI ​​regulation white paper consultation.




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