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Devin Haney vs. Ryan Garcia Start Time: When is the UK vs. USA ring walk tonight?

Devin Haney vs. Ryan Garcia Start Time: When is the UK vs. USA ring walk tonight?
Devin Haney vs. Ryan Garcia Start Time: When is the UK vs. USA ring walk tonight?


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Devin Haney and Ryan Garcia will have a big fight tonight, rekindling a rivalry from their amateur days.

Now 25 years old, the American went 3-3 in six fights before turning pro, making Haney a bona fide pound-for-pound star. The Dream reigned as the undisputed lightweight champion until he vacated the belt before winning the WBC super lightweight title from Regis Prograis late last year.

After the masterclass, the undefeated Haney was set to defend his gold medal for the first time this weekend, but Garcias failed to make weight and was disqualified from winning the belt.

Garcia enters the fight with just one loss since suffering a stoppage to Gervonta Davis a year ago. King Ryan bounced back from that loss by stopping Oscar Duarte last December, but faces a stiffer test here. Garcia's recent behavior outside the ring has raised concerns about his mental health, and he cut his weight by three pounds on Friday before fulfilling a bet to Haney that he would pay $500,000 for every pound of excess weight he gained.

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When do you fight?

The Haney vs. Garcia fight is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

The main card is scheduled to begin at 1am BST on Sunday 21 April (5pm PT/7pm CT/8pm ET on Saturday), with the main event ring walk taking place on Sunday at 4am It is scheduled to begin at 8:00 PM BST (8:00 PM PT/10:00 PM CT/11:00 PM ET). Saturday).

How can I watch it?

Haney vs Garcia will be streamed live globally on DAZN pay-per-view, costing $19.99 in the UK and $69.99 in the US. Buy a DAZN subscription here with plans starting at 9.99 per month.

If you want to watch the event while traveling abroad, you may need a VPN to unblock streaming apps. Our VPN information is here to include and help you deal with VPNs in the market. Viewers using a VPN must ensure that it complies with their local regulations and the terms and conditions of their service provider.


Devin Haney (left) and Ryan Garcia face off in February (Getty Images)

Haney 1/7

Garcia 9/2

Draw on January 20th

Odds via Betway. Get all the latest boxing betting site offers.

Entire card (subject to change)

Devin Haney (center) vs Ryan Garcia (WBC super lightweight title)

Arnold Barboza Jr. vs. Sean McComb (Ultra Lightweight)

Bektemir Melikuziev vs Pierre Debombe (super middleweight)

John Ramirez vs David Jimenez (super flyweight)

Charles Cornwell vs Nathaniel Gallimore (super welterweight)




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