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UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda | Immigration and Asylum

UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda |  Immigration and Asylum
UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda |  Immigration and Asylum


Rishi Sunak's Rwandan deportation bill is set to become law after his colleagues ultimately withdrew their amendments, paving the way for a legal fight over the possible deportation of dozens of people seeking asylum.

After a marathon showdown over the key bill between the House of Commons and the Lords, the bill was finally passed on Monday night with the opposition and opposition giving in.

The bill is expected to receive royal assent on Tuesday. Home Office sources said they had already identified asylum seekers with weak legal claims to remain in the UK and that they would be part of the first tranche to be sent to East Africa in July.

At the center of Sunak's attempts to block small boats crossing the English Channel is a bill to deport asylum seekers who arrive in the UK by irregular means to Kigali.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said this was a landmark moment for our plans to stop boats.

“Rwanda’s security bill has been passed by parliament and will become law in a few days,” he said in a video posted on social media.

This bill will prevent people from abusing the law by using false human rights claims to block removal. And the British Parliament is sovereign, and the government has the power to reject temporary blocking measures imposed by the European Court.

I promised to do whatever was necessary to secure a route for the first flight. That's what we did. Now we were working day and night to get the plane off the ground.

Denisa Deli, head of advocacy at the International Rescue Committee UK, said on Monday: Regardless of today's passage of the Rwanda Security Bill, sending refugees to Rwanda is ineffective and unnecessary. It's a cruel and expensive approach.

Rather than outsourcing responsibilities under international law, we urge governments to abandon these ill-conceived plans and instead focus on providing a more humane and orderly immigration system at home.

This includes expanding safe pathways, such as resettlement and family reunion, and upholding the right to seek asylum.

The Home Office has whittled down the list to 350 immigrants deemed at least risk of raising a legal challenge that would prevent their deportation.

Lawyers told the Guardian they would prepare legal challenges on behalf of individual asylum seekers. They can appeal the removal on a case-by-case basis, which could result in them being removed from the flight list.

The bill allows prisoners to file objections if they face a real, imminent and foreseeable risk of serious and irreparable harm if transferred to Rwanda.

They must file an appeal within eight days of receiving their deportation letter. The Home Office will then be given a few days to respond. If the appeal is rejected, the person seeking asylum has 7 days to file a final appeal with a higher court, which will then make a decision on the appeal within 23 days.

The cost of the transaction would be $1.8 million for the first 300 people deported, the National Audit Office confirmed.

Matthew Rycroft, the most senior Home Office official who has overseen the scheme for two years, previously told MPs there was no evidence to show the scheme had a deterrent effect in boosting value for money.

Home Office officials have privately warned that thousands of asylum seekers risk disappearing once removals begin, and do not want them to be notified that they are being sent to Kigali.

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Lawmakers earlier removed amendments to the bill inserted by the Senate. Crossbench and his Labor colleagues said they would reinsert similar changes in a battle of wills.

The government will not send eligible people under the Afghanistan Migration and Assistance Policy (Arap) to Rwanda, the Home Affairs Minister told colleagues during one of many discussions held on Monday evening.

Lord Sharpe said: Once the review of the Arap decision on people with credible links to specialist Afghanistan units is completed, the Government will not deport to Rwanda those who have received a positive eligibility decision as a result of this review who are already in the UK. no see. Today's.

Lord Brown, a former Labor defense secretary who has called for such assurances, said: The Minister does not believe this is a concession, it is a restatement for him of what he has been telling us for some time. different forms.

Meanwhile, Lord Anderson, a leading Ipswich lawyer and independent crossbencher, said of the Rwanda plans: The benefits are not yet known. The cost will not be measured only in money, but in principle. That means ignoring our international commitments, avoiding legal protections for vulnerable people, and withdrawing judicial scrutiny of the core issue of Rwanda's security.

The prime minister also revealed that the first flights to Rwanda to remove asylum seekers had been scheduled to depart within 10 to 12 weeks, but had missed their original spring target.

He stressed at a specially called press conference on Monday morning that the government would not allow foreign courts to block flights to Rwanda and would finally end the legal merry-go-round surrounding deportation flights.

'Enough is enough,' he said. No more preconceptions or delays. Congress will sit there tonight and vote no matter how late it is. There are no ifs or buts. This flight goes to Rwanda.

Labor said Sunak was wrong to blame his party colleagues for delaying the Rwanda bill.

Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, said: [The] The Conservatives are the largest party in both houses and could have planned the final stages of the bill a month in advance, but they voluntarily postponed it because they always wanted someone else to take the blame.




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