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U.S. Figure Skating Announces 2024-25 U.S. Qualification Season and International Event Schedule

U.S. Figure Skating Announces 2024-25 U.S. Qualification Season and International Event Schedule
U.S. Figure Skating Announces 2024-25 U.S. Qualification Season and International Event Schedule


U.S. Figure Skating today announced its U.S. qualifying season schedule and schedule of nationally organized international events for the 2024-25 season, including Skate America 2024 and the Prevagen U.S. Figure Skating Championships 2025.

2024 Skate America returns to Allen, Texas, while Wichita, Kansas hosts U.S. Figure Skating's premier event, the 2025 Prevagen U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

U.S. Figure Skating is very excited about each of our high-profile events, both domestically and internationally, for the 2024-25 season, said U.S. Figure Skating CEO Tracy Marek. These events span our country to provide incredible opportunities for skaters of all levels, from juveniles to adults, our fans and the skating community. We look forward to the incredible skating ahead and the lasting memories each event will bring as athletes strive to show off their hard work and achieve personal bests in over 15 sectional, championship and international events.

Kicking off the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series, which takes place October 18-20, 2024, some of the best skaters from around the world, including U.S. champions, will travel to Allen, Texas, to Skate America. The first of six stops in the series, Skate America includes three days of competition in the women's, men's, couples and ice dance events.

This is the second year in a row that Skate America has visited the Credit Union of Texas Event Center.

In January, the American championships will be held for the first time in the state of Kansas. From January 20-26, 2025, at INTRUST Bank Arena, U.S. champions will be crowned in the women's, men's, pairs, and ice dance events at the junior and senior levels. Novice couples and ice dancing will also be contested.

The Visit Wichita team is beyond excited to have been selected to host the Prevagen U.S. Figure Skating Championships in 2025. It has been an honor to host four figure skating events over the past seven years, facilitating a relationship strong with American figure skating and giving “We are fortunate to gain the confidence and experience necessary to host the most prestigious event in American figure skating,” said Josh Howell, vice president of sports development at Visit Wichita. This is an incredible opportunity for Wichita to showcase our energetic and welcoming city to athletes and figure skating fans from across the country.

Tickets for Skate America 2024 and the Prevagen 2025 U.S. Figure Skating Championships will go on sale on the following dates:

United States Championships: Thursday, May 16: all-session tickets and hotel packages Thursday, July 11: weekend tickets Thursday, September 19: one-session championship tickets Thursday, December 5: one-session junior tickets Skate America: Thursday, June 6, 6: All tickets sessions Thursday August 1: Tickets for one session

The full U.S. qualifying season and schedule of domestically hosted international events can be viewed below:

2024 USA Collegiate Championships and InvitationalDates: July 18-20, 2024Location: Richfield, MinnesotaVenue: Richfield Ice ArenaHost: St. Paul FSC

2024 Cranberry Cup International (Challenger Series Singles only)Dates: August 8-11, 2024Location: Norwood, MassachusettsVenue: Tenley E. Albright Performance CenterHost: The Skating Club of Boston

2024 John Nicks Pairs Challenge International (Challenger Series Pairs only)Dates: September 3-4, 2024Location: New York, New YorkVenue: Sky Rink at Chelsea PiersHost: The Skating Club of New York

2024 Skate AmericaDates: October 18-20, 2024Location: Allen, TexasLocation: Credit Union of Texas Event CenterHost: US Figure Skating

2025 East Section Finals US Singles and PairsDates: November 11-17, 2024Location: Norwood, MassachusettsVenue: Tenley E. Albright Performance CenterHost: The Skating Club of Boston

2025 Pacific Coast Singles Sectional FinalDates: November 11-17, 2024*Location: Ogden, UtahVenue: The Ice SheetHost: Wasatch FSC

2025 Midwest Sectional Singles & US Ice Dance FinalDates: November 18-24, 2024*Location: Plano, TexasVenue: Children's Health StarCenterHost: Dallas FSC

Prevagen 2025 U.S. Figure Skating ChampionshipsDates: January 20-26, 2025Location: Wichita, KansasLocation: INTRUST Bank ArenaHost: US Figure Skating/Visit Wichita

2025 Eastern Synchronized Skating Sectional ChampionshipsDates: January 20-26, 2025*Location: Hershey, PennsylvaniaLocation: Giant CenterHost: Hershey FSC

2025 Midwest Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships Dates: Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2025*Location: Kalamazoo, MichiganVenue: Wings Event CenterHost: Greater Kalamazoo Skating Association

2025 Pacific Coast Synchronized Skating Sectional Championships Dates: Jan. 31-Feb. February 2, 2025Location: Irvine, CaliforniaVenue: Great Park Ice and FivePoint ArenaHost: FSC year-round

2025 U.S. Synchronized Skating ChampionshipsDates: February 26-March 1, 2025Location: TBD

2025 Adult Figure Skating Eastern Sectional ChampionshipsDates: March 14-16, 2025Location: Indian Trail, North CarolinaVenue: Extreme Ice CenterHost: Carolinas FSC

2025 Pacific Coast Adult Figure Skating Sectional ChampionshipsDates: March 14-16, 2025Location: Paramount, CaliforniaLocation: Paramount IcelandHost: Los Angeles FSC

2025 Midwest Adult Figure Skating Sectional ChampionshipsDates: TBDLocation: TBD

ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2025 Dates: March 23-30, 2025 Location. Boston, MassachusettsLocation: TD GardenHost: US Figure Skating/The Skating Club of BostonTickets: available at

Prevagen 2025 U.S. Adult Figure Skating ChampionshipsDates: March 31 – April 5, 2025Location: St. Louis Park, MinnesotaVenue: The Rec CenterHost: Twin City Figure Skating Association

*The dates for this event will take place within this date range. Exact dates will be finalized closer to the registration deadline.




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