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Alleged Los Angeles gang members arrested by US postal inspectors

Alleged Los Angeles gang members arrested by US postal inspectors


At least one suspected Los Angeles gang member and several co-conspirators have been arrested by U.S. Postal Inspectors and face several charges.

Antonio Hernandez, a suspected member of an infamous Los Angeles gang, was arrested alongside Ivan Murillo-Hernandez and Alexis Garcia Martinez, according to the United States Postal Inspection Service.

All three men were charged with mail theft, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, aggravated identity theft and post office theft. Several minors were also involved, authorities said.

From at least November 2022 to August 2023, the three defendants allegedly stole mail from post offices in Los Angeles and Orange counties, using threats of force or other tactics in hopes of stealing mail containing checks, cash or other valuables.

To date, officials say the crew has stolen more than $800,000 from victims across the state.

A crucial part of the scheme involved the recruitment and use of several young accomplices, according to USPIS.

The defendants allegedly sought out underage partners to provide them with debit cards and banking information in hopes of depositing the stolen funds into their accounts without arousing suspicion. They would then quickly withdraw the fraudulent funds from the accounts or make purchases using the debit cards provided to them by the young co-conspirators.

Project leaders reportedly promised their minor partners a share of the profits, although it is unclear whether they kept their promises.

A United States Postal Service inspector badge is featured in a promotional video posted on

Incidents linked to the group include an April 2023 theft at a post office in Anaheim in which trays of mail were stolen. Hernández, Murillo-Hernández and several young accomplices allegedly fled the police in a vehicle provided by Garcia Martinez.

The suspects led police on a high-speed chase across several local highways before abandoning the vehicle and fleeing on foot.

Carroll N. Harris, inspector in charge of the Los Angeles Division of the United States Postal Inspection Service, thanked law enforcement partners for helping to dismantle this criminal network and said the USPIS was committed to protecting the integrity of the nation's postal system and defending it against criminal activity. activity.

The matter remains under investigation and anyone with information can contact the United States Postal Inspection Service at 1-877-876-2455.

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