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2024 US Womens Open Qualifications | LPGA

2024 US Womens Open Qualifications |  LPGA


The 79th U.S. Women's Open is scheduled to begin May 30 at Lancaster Country Club in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. As always, the field is filled with top players from around the world, in addition to some of the best athletes on the LPGA. and Epson Tours.

Take a look at who made their way onto the field at the US Women's Open:

04/15/2024: The Vancouver Golf Club (Coquitlam, British Columbia)Amelia GarveyMadison Young

04/15/2024: El Macero Country Club (El Macero, California)Megha Ganne (a)Sabrina Iqbal (a)Alexa Melton

04/16/2024: The Village Course in Waikoloa (Waikoloa Village, Hawaii) Yuka Nii

04/22/2024: Boso Country Club (Pref. Chiba, Japan)Amiyu OzekiYui KawamotoSaiki FujitaPeiying TsaiAyako Kimura

04/23/2024: Soboba Springs Mariel Galdiano Golf Course

04/25/2024: Belle Haven Country Club (Alexandria, Virginia)Ruixin LiuJean Reynolds

04/29/2024: Rockwall Golf & Athletic Club (Rockwall, Texas)Aine Donegan (a)Huai-Chien Hsu (a)

04/29/2024: Soule Park Golf Club (Ojai, California)Yuri YoshidaCatherine Park (a)Soo Bin Joo

04/30/2024: Rainier Golf & Country Club (Seattle, Washington)Jiwon JeonCaroline InglisEmily Kristine Pedersen

04/30/2024: Starmount Forest Country Club (Greensboro, North Carolina)Pauline Roussin BouchardLauren Stephenson

04/30/2024: Walnut Creek Golf Preserve (Westminster, Colorado)Isi GabsaMoriya JutanugarnCeline Borge

05/01/2024: Winchester Country Club (Winchester, Massachusetts)Lucy LiKatie Li (a)Sofia Garcia

05/02/2024: Ohio State University Golf Club (Columbus, Ohio)Wei-Ling HsuIsabella FierroWichanee Meechai

05/06/2024: Woodhill Country Club (Wayzata, Minnesota)Kaitlyn Papp Budde

05/06/2024: Sugar Mill Country Club (New Smyrna Beach, Florida)Steph KyriacouElizabeth Szokol

05/06/2024: San Joaquin Country Club (Fresno, California)Gabriela RuffelsAsterisk Talley (a)

05/06/2024: Dunwoody Country Club (Dunwoody, Georgia)Arpichaya YubolKristen Gillman

05/06/2024: Pinnacle Peak Country Club (Scottsdale, Arizona)Kim KaufmanAlana UriellSavannah Vilaubi

05/07/2024: Shannopin Country Club (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Rachel RohannaMarissa Steen

08/05/2024: Sunset Country Club (St. Louis, Missouri)Samantha Brown (a)

05/10/2024: The Club at Admiral's Cove (Jupiter, Florida)Sydnee MichaelsMaisie Filler (a)

05/13/2024: Bradenton Country Club (Bradenton, Florida)Amelie Zalsman (a)Pimpisa Sisutham (a)

05/13/2024: Briarwood Country Club (Deerfield, Illinois)Keeley Marx (a)Caroline Smith (a)

05/13/2024: Haworth Country Club, (Haworth, New Jersey)Caroline MassonMaude Aimee LeblancNanna Koerstz MadsenYan Liu

05/13/2024: Golfcrest Country Club (Pearland, Texas)Adela Cernousek (a)Elina Sinz (a)

05/20/2024: Golf & Country Club Seddiner See (Michendorf, Germany)Mariajo UribeCasandra AlexanderPia Babnik




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