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The measures have a major impact, further reducing migration numbers.

The measures have a major impact, further reducing migration numbers.


Visa applications on key routes have fallen by a quarter in the first four months of 2024 as the Home Office package to reduce unsustainable migration continues to be delivered.

Government measures to tighten student visas, which came into effect in January, have prevented most international students starting their courses this year from bringing family members and led to a 79% fall in student support applications in the first four months of 2024. Additionally, students can no longer switch visas. It prevents people using this route as a backdoor to work in the UK before completing their course, while cracking down on institutions that tarnish the UK's reputation by selling immigration rather than education. The number of student visa applications made between January and April 2024 fell by more than 30,000. Compared to the same period in 2023.

The data also shows that during the first month when restrictions on carer dependents came into effect, the number of health and carer dependent applications fell by 58%, from 15,100 in April 2023 to 6,400 in April 2024. The government stated: The unprecedented increase in the number of caregiver dependent visas was disproportionate and unsustainable. Through changes to require CQC registration for companies sponsoring migrant care workers in the UK, along with efforts to crack down on abuse, we are determined to see these numbers continue to fall.

Today's monthly visa figures come ahead of the ONS' net immigration figures for the year to December 2023 and the government's quarterly immigration figures for the year to March 2023, both published tomorrow. However, the ONS figures do not take into account the main package of measures announced in March 2023. In December, the effects have already begun to appear.

Today's monthly data provides the latest picture on visa applications across key routes, with early signs that legal immigration is declining due to the government's tougher measures.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said:

Plans are underway to deliver the largest cuts to legal immigration in our country's history. This monthly data is up-to-date on visa levels and shows that legal migration continues to decline across key routes on its current trajectory.

British people deserve an immigration system that puts their interests first. Our approach is about control and fairness. To the people who come here with highly skilled skills who deserve decent wages, to the taxpayers who should not be relied on to support them, and to British workers who should not be retrenched.

We will continue to closely review these measures and will not hesitate to take further action if necessary.

Taken together, the Home Secretary's package to reduce legal immigration means that around 300,000 people who arrived in the UK last year will no longer be able to do so. These include:

Increase salary threshold for Skilled Worker visas by 48% to 38,700

Restrict carers from bringing dependents and require carers acting as sponsors in England to register with the industry regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), to crack down on worker exploitation and abuse within the sector.

By abolishing the Shortage Occupations List and replacing it with a new Immigration Pay List, employers will no longer be able to pay immigrants less than British workers in shortage occupations.

Raising the minimum income requirement for family visas to the level of skilled worker visas (currently 38,700) by early 2025.

Implementing this comprehensive set of measures is part of the Government's wider plan to crack down on the rise in legal and illegal immigration and reform the immigration system. The scheme has been effective, with about a third of small boats crossing last year, and efforts to tackle this global challenge continue, including working with international partners and cracking down on criminal gangs through increased enforcement.

It comes as the Government continues its program to grow and support the country's social care workforce. Led by the Department of Health and Social Care, this includes better training, clearer career paths and improved employment prospects through new recognized qualifications. The Department for Work and Pensions also announced plans this week to fill positions filled by foreigners with unemployed Britons. It helps build the domestic workforce and reduce dependence on cheap foreign labor.

Now, with the passage of the Rwanda Security Act and the ratification of the treaty with Rwanda, the government is entering the final stages of implementing this groundbreaking policy, with the first flight to Rwanda scheduled to take off in early July.




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