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Rishi Sunak calls for UK general election on July 4 | election news

Rishi Sunak calls for UK general election on July 4 |  election news


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has confirmed the general election date, ending months of speculation about the timing of the polls.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak chose July 4 as the voting day to call a snap general election, with the ruling Conservative Party widely expected to lose to the opposition Labor Party after 14 years in power.

Ending months of speculation about when he would call a new vote, Sunak, 44, stood outside his Downing Street office on Wednesday and announced he would call the election earlier than some expected.

He said now was the time for Britain to choose its future, listing what he considered the highlights of his time in government, including the introduction of the so-called furlough scheme, which has helped businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The general election will be held on July 4th.

Not only is Sunak well behind Labor in the opinion polls, but he is heading into the election somewhat isolated from parts of his own party, increasingly relying on a small team of advisers to steer him through an ugly campaign.

Less than two years after taking office, Sunak has struggled to define what he stands for and is increasingly frustrated that what he sees as his successes are not being appreciated.

Labor Starmer demands change.

Both parties have nearly begun their election campaigns with their lines of attack on the economy and defense already firmly established.

Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's opposition Labor Party, said the election would give Britain an opportunity to end the chaos of Sunak's Conservative government.

Regardless of what else he says or does, the opportunity for change is at the heart of this election, Starmer told supporters.

A vote for Labor is a vote for economic and political stability, a politics that touches more lightly on all our lives. This is a vote to stop the chaos. It's time for change.

Stammers' Labor Party has been ahead of the Conservatives in opinion polls since the end of 2021. [UK Parliament/AFP]

British elections must be held at least once every five years, but the timing is chosen by the Prime Minister.

Sunak's Conservatives are trailing far behind Labor in opinion polls and have failed to maintain a lead over the opposition despite welcoming lower inflation and increased defense spending.

Sunak is the third Conservative prime minister since the last election in 2019. Although he succeeded in stabilizing the economy, he failed to increase the popularity of the Conservative Party with the public.

He will have been encouraged by reports on Wednesday showing that UK inflation had plunged to 2.3%, the lowest level in almost three years, due to a big fall in the domestic banknote.

However, Labor has been ahead of the Conservatives by about 20 points in opinion polls since the end of 2021, before Sunak took office in October of that year.

Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull, reporting from London, said he was curious about the timing of Sunak's announcement.

“It’s quite surprising that he decided to go into the general election so early,” Hull said.

He assumed he would wait until at least the autumn, and added that it would take much longer for his party to recover from its pretty dire situation in the opinion polls, where it is on average about 20 points behind the opposition Labor Party. .

Why go to the polls when your party is riven by internal divisions and there are rumors of dissatisfaction with its own leadership? “Maybe it’s because they don’t think things will get better,” he said.




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