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One lane of US 50 could be open on the Blue Mesa Bridge by July 4

One lane of US 50 could be open on the Blue Mesa Bridge by July 4


One lane of U.S. 50 on the Middle Bridge over the Blue Mesa Reservoir could be open to intermittent traffic by July 4 if four critical repairs can be made by then, the state's director of highways said Tuesday evening. State Transportation, Shoshana Lew.

Repairs include the use of steel plates, 2 inches thick, 30 inches wide, and 27 feet long, to reinforce defects in welds made during bridge assembly beginning in April 1961 .

The reopening of the bridge could coincide with the completion of CDOT's Little Blue Canyon project between Montrose and Blue Mesa Reservoir. The widening, straightening and rock climbing on US 50 in this area has been ongoing for more than three years and has required multiple closures and delays with single-lane traffic.

When traffic is allowed again on Middle Bridge, it will flow in one direction for a period of time, then the other direction, possibly guided by pilot cars or flaggers. However, travel will be limited because repair work cannot be carried out while vehicles are traveling on the bridge.

Engineers discovered a total of 183 defects in the welds during an extensive evaluation that began after the 1,500-foot-long bridge closed April 18, when a 3-inch crack and other anomalies occurred. discovered during a safety inspection of high-strength steel bridges. required by the Federal Highway Administration.

Not all defects detected using sophisticated ultrasonic equipment are considered critical. Older technologies couldn't identify the problems, CDOT engineers said during a routine update held in Gunnison.

The plan is to open the Middle Bridge to traffic in both directions by Halloween. Keith Stefanik, CDOT's chief engineer, said the agency will develop a long-term replacement plan for Middle Bridge, although it may not be necessary for 25 years.

CDOT is also preparing to begin inspection of the 900-foot-long West Bridge, about 2 miles to the west, which is made from the same steel. Traffic will flow in one direction on this bridge during the inspection.

Since the bridge's abrupt closure, travel between Montrose and Gunnison has been diverted via County Road 26, a gravel road that crosses federal land. More traffic is allowed on the primitive road and there are now seven hours of release when drivers line up on either side of the detour, waiting to follow pilot cars going in one direction.

The detour is an alternative to long drives around Blue Mesa, which can add six to seven hours of travel time to a trip that typically takes just over an hour.

Residents hoped Kebler Pass, a shortcut between Crested Butte and Delta County, would be open for Memorial Day weekend. However, two snowstorms have stalled plans to clear the 30-mile road that is only partially paved and rises to 10,007 feet.

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Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the journalist or reported and verified by knowledgeable sources.




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