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Are they selling the wrong beer? Study raises doubts about UK pints | uk news

Are they selling the wrong beer?  Study raises doubts about UK pints |  uk news


People who like to enjoy a pint of beer may experience a bit of a headache. Research has found that almost 90% of the beer served in UK pubs and bars is lacking.

Trading standards officers ordered beer and wine from 77 pubs and bars and served 96 of the 137 orders in short action.

This means that more than two-thirds (around 70%) of the drinks are less than the prescribed quantities for pints, half-pints and 175ml glasses of wine required by the Weights and Measures Order.

Approximately 86% of the beer ordered was short, and 43% of the wine was lacking.

In the short term, 41 beverages fell by more than 5%. This represents 29% of the 137 drinks tested.

The average deficit for short-term beer was 4%, while for wine it was 5%.

For the average beer drinker this equates to a loss of £1.70 per week or £88.40 per year, while for the average UK wine drinker this rises to £2.20 per week or £114.40 per year, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute said. (CTSI) said.

The biggest short-term measure was the 15% under found in Walsall for a 175ml glass of wine, with the drink costing £3.20.

The next largest short-term measure, at just under 13.4%, was found in Belfast for a glass of wine at £7.20. The third largest deficit, at 12%, was £5.75 for a 175ml glass of wine purchased in Havering.

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The overall findings will be difficult for many gamblers to accept as they come at a time when alcohol prices are at record highs.

According to Statistics Korea, the average price of a bottle of red wine rose 8% last year, and the average price of a glass of lager rose 5.6%.

Legally, the foam head of a glass of beer is also included in the measurement.

CTSI's survey found that 35% of the public felt the head should not be included in pint measurements, while 23% felt it should be.

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) argues that pints should not include heads and that consumers should have the right to a 100% liquid pint.

Read more: Stout attracts unexpected new legions of fans Climate crisis will 'change the taste of beer' Last orders for takeaway pints at pubBrewery has changed the name of its White Face beer over racism concerns.

“This is a snapshot, but it allows us to build a national picture of how widespread short-dose alcohol consumption is and the potential harm it can cause to the average consumer,” said John Herriman, CEO of CTSI. “This is the first time this has happened,” he said. £115 per year suggests that more comprehensive research is needed to better understand the impact of short-term measures across a wider range of consumer goods, not just alcoholic drinks.

“We are calling on the hospitality sector to ensure consumers get value for money by accurately measuring the drinks they serve to customers in our country’s pubs and bars and conducting further research in this area.”




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