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Announcement of visa restriction policy aimed at undermining democracy in Georgia and comprehensive review of all cooperation between the United States and Georgia

Announcement of visa restriction policy aimed at undermining democracy in Georgia and comprehensive review of all cooperation between the United States and Georgia


In recent months, the ruling Georgian Dream party has drafted and adopted a law on foreign influence that would stifle the exercise of freedoms of association and expression, stigmatize organizations serving Georgian citizens and would prevent independent media organizations that strive to provide Georgians with access to high-level information. Quality information. As Georgian citizens have expressed opposition to the law, we have seen clear indications of a campaign of intimidation and use of violence to suppress peaceful dissent. The national security law and the repressive tactics used to suppress legitimate dissent undermine Georgian democracy and the fundamental freedoms to which the Georgian people are entitled and run counter to the long-stated goal of the Georgia, reflected in its constitution – of Euro-Atlantic integration and strategic partnership with the United States.

In response to these actions, the Department of State is implementing a new visa restriction policy for Georgia that will apply to individuals responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia, as well as members of their families. This includes those responsible for the repression of civil society and freedoms. of peaceful assembly in Georgia through a campaign of violence or intimidation.

United States support for Georgian democracy is longstanding and fundamental to our bilateral relationship. Anyone who undermines democratic processes or institutions in Georgia, including before, during, and after Georgia's October 2024 elections, may be found ineligible for U.S. visas under this policy and prohibited from traveling to the United States. Immediate family members of these individuals may also be subject to these restrictions.

Today I am also launching a comprehensive review of bilateral cooperation between the United States and Georgia. We remain hopeful that Georgian leaders will reconsider the bill and take steps to move forward with their country's democratic and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. As we examine the relationship between our two countries, we will take Georgia's actions into account when deciding ours.

This visa restriction policy complies with Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and allows the Department of State to implement visa restrictions for individuals , whether current or former state or non-state actors who are responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia, including through the use of violence, force or coercion to prevent the exercise of civil or political rights, as well as members of the immediate family of these persons.




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