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Wreck of US submarine that 'sank most Japanese warships' during World War II found in South China Sea

Wreck of US submarine that 'sank most Japanese warships' during World War II found in South China Sea


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The wreck of a US Navy submarine that “sank the most Japanese warships” during World War II has been found in the South China Sea after being missing for almost 80 years.

The USS Harder, which went missing on August 24, 1944, with 79 sailors on board, was discovered off the island of Luzon in the Philippines with the help of data provided by Tim Taylor, CEO of Tiburon Subsea and the Lost 52 Project , according to the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC).

“We are grateful that Lost 52 has given us the opportunity to once again honor the valor of the crew of the Hit em HARDER submarine that sank the most Japanese warships – during particularly – under the leadership of its legendary skipper, Cmdr Sam Dealey,” NHHC Director Samuel J. Cox, retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, said in a statement.

The agency says the wreck of the USS Harder “rests at a depth of more than 3,000 feet” and “rests upright on its keel relatively intact, except for damage from depth charges at the 'rear of the turret'.


A 4D photogrammetric model of the USS Harder at its current resting place, more than 3,000 feet below the surface of the South China Sea. (Tim Taylor and the Lost 52 Project)

Taylor told Fox News Digital that the process of finding the USS Harder involved “archival research and the use of multiple autonomous robots to efficiently cover large swaths of the search.”

The submarine, commissioned in December 1942, carried out six war patrols before sinking. On her fifth patrol, described by the NHHC as “the most successful”, she targeted Japanese destroyers “sinking three and heavily damaging or destroying two others in four days”.

During its last patrol, the submarine attacked and destroyed three escort vessels off the Philippine province of Baatan, with the assistance of its compatriot USS Haddo.

“Japanese records later revealed that Harder fired three torpedoes at CD-22,” another escort ship in the area, on August 24, 1944, according to the NHHC.

World War II veteran, 99, graduates from high school alongside his great-granddaughter

The USS Harder conducted six wartime patrols and received numerous awards for its services during World War II.

“The Japanese ship escaped the torpedoes and launched a series of depth charge attacks,” he added, with the “fifth depth charge attack sinking the Harder and her crew.”

After its service in World War II, the USS Harder received the Presidential Unit Citation and six Battle Stars, according to the NHHC.

USS Tougher Cmdr. Sam Dealey will receive the Medal of Honor posthumously. (Naval History and Heritage Command)


“Cmdr Dealey was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his outstanding contribution to the war effort during Harder's Fifth Patrol,” the release also states. Dealey's other awards included a Navy Cross (September 1943) for Harder's first war patrol; a Gold Star in lieu of the second Navy Cross (November 1943) for the second war patrol; a second Gold Star in lieu the third Navy Cross (February 1944) for the third war patrol; a third Gold Star (July 1944) for the fourth war patrol; the Silver Star (posthumous, October 1948) for the Sixth War Patrol.”




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