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Biden talks US foreign policy during West Point commencement speechExBulletin

Biden talks US foreign policy during West Point commencement speechExBulletin


President Biden addresses the Class of 2024 during West Point commencement exercises Saturday in West Point, New York Spencer Platt/Getty Images .

rock the caption Spencer Platt/Getty Images

In his first commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point as commander in chief, President Biden on Saturday spoke directly to the ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East.

“There has never been a time in history where we have asked our military to do so many different things in so many different places around the world at the same time,” Biden said at West Point, New York.

In his speech to new army officers, the president reaffirmed his commitment to fighting tyrants and threats to peace, freedom and openness. He pledged support for Ukraine and called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, including the return of all hostages. Biden also condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran for escalating conflicts in their regions.

He ended his speech by urging graduating cadets to uphold the oaths taken at West Point.

“On your first day at West Point, you raised your right hand and took the oath,” he said. “Not to a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Biden's remarks come amid growing scrutiny of US foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel's war in Gaza. At a Morehouse College graduation ceremony last week, some students turned their backs on Biden during his commencement speech in protest.

Biden says US is 'strong' with Ukraine

In his speech, Biden reiterated his support for Ukraine, adding that the Russian military was no match for NATO forces.

The president pledged to continue U.S. efforts to train Ukrainian soldiers to use advanced weapons systems, as well as to teach Ukrainian medics tactical combat techniques and casualty care. But along the same lines, Biden stressed that he has no plans to put U.S. troops on the front lines.

“There are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine and I am determined to keep it that way,” he said. “But we stand strong with Ukraine and we will stand with them.”

Biden cites US role in Middle East

Biden also praised U.S. involvement in the Middle East, praising food-dropping operations in Gaza and diplomatic efforts with Arab countries in the region. He did not mention Israel's war in Gaza, except to say he supported an “immediate ceasefire that would bring the hostages home.”

Instead, Biden focused on America's rapid response to Iran, describing U.S. involvement in helping intercept missiles and drones during the Iranian attack against Israel last month. He also briefly discussed the unmanned drone attack in Jordan launched by Iranian-backed militants, which killed three American reservists and injured several other American service members.

“When someone targets American troops, we will bring them justice. This happened earlier this year when three heroic members of the US Army Reserve were killed in an unmanned drone attack in the North is from Jordan,” Biden said.




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