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A flight attendant advised us to throw a water bottle under the hotel bed.

A flight attendant advised us to throw a water bottle under the hotel bed.


If you're a nervous solo traveler, this can help put your mind at ease. (Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Cabin crew travel for a living, so we tend to trust their advice to make the most of our trips.

And these flight attendant top tips can be invaluable, especially if you're traveling alone.

Esther Sturrus, who works for Dutch airline KLM and shares TikToks about her travels, recommends always throwing a water bottle under the bed when entering a hotel room.

Although it is unlikely, tourists may become targets of thieves or intruders, and some travelers choose to stay on guard in certain countries or in rooms on lower floors.

According to Esther, her hack allows her to check if no one is there without looking under the bed, giving her peace of mind if she's worried.

She advises adding to the video that you roll the bottle under the bed so it comes out the other side. If not, you'd better exercise caution.

Just because there's an obstruction doesn't necessarily mean there's someone hiding under the bed.

Maybe it's where you store the extra sheets, or maybe you didn't throw the bottle hard enough to get it right to the other side.

That said, it doesn't hurt to check, and you'll sleep better knowing you've done your due diligence.

Esther's followers praised the tip, including one person who said they found it very helpful. Another person said the revelation revealed new fears, while a third called it crazy.

But the rest of the crew hotel hacks were a bit lighter, from using a hair dryer to clean a steamed mirror to flipping a paper cup over and cutting a hole in the bottom to hold a toothbrush hygienically. previously asked cabin crew for the inside scoop on getting the best flight possible. This is what we found out.

How to upgrade on a flight

As far as astraveltips are concerned, the most important tip for those looking to upgrade on a plane (and be treated like royalty) is to be lovely to the cabin crew, Hannah Murphey, former flight attendant and director of Globe Fit Ltd, told uk.

A smile and eye contact during boarding goes a long way. Talk to the flight attendants and ask them about their jobs. I loved it when passengers showed interest in me and kindly objected to their demands. Then I wanted to do my best to make sure they had the best flight, so if a better seat was available I would move their seat and offer them extra drinks etc. Simply because they were kind to me.

If the passenger is rude and expectant, it will have the opposite effect.

So a little kindness really goes a long way.

Choose the best seat

If you're in a position to choose where to sit on an airplane, think about that decision.

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For a more comfortable flight, choose a seat right in front of the wing and avoid sitting near the bathroom or galley, which can be smelly and noisy, suggests former flight attendant Daisy White.

Sit near the front of the plane to choose your food of choice.

If you have a choice of seats, choose the front of the plane. Not only is there less turbulence at the front than the tail of the plane, but it also has advantages at meal times.

Flight attendant Kamila Jakubjakova told Food service usually starts at the front of the plane, so if you sit in the first row of the plane, you'll be among the first to eat. Sitting front row means you're more likely to choose your preferred meal if you have two options.

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