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Nigel Farage said the number of Muslims 'hating' British values ​​was 'growing' and called for a 'comprehensive condemnation'. political news

Nigel Farage said the number of Muslims 'hating' British values ​​was 'growing' and called for a 'comprehensive condemnation'.  political news


Nigel Farage has claimed on Sky News that “scores” of young British Muslims do not agree with British values.

Honorary Chairman of Reform UK told Sky News' Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips: “There are increasing numbers of young people in this country who do not follow British values.

“In fact, they abhor much of what we stand for. I feel like I see them on the streets of London every Saturday.”

Follow the general election live: Reaction to Farage comments as campaign continues

Asked “are we talking about Muslims here”, Mr Farage said: “Yes, and unfortunately we found a recent survey showing that 46 per cent of British Muslims support Hamas – in other words, support a banned terrorist organisation.” nation.”

The former UKIP and Brexit Party leader cited a poll commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society in April that found one in four British Muslims said Hamas had committed murder and rape in Israel on October 7 last year. It turns out that I believe it.

Hamas raided southern Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostage. Since then, more than 35,000 people have died in the Israeli response in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, and the war has become a divisive issue in British politics.

Image: Mr Farage said those protesting in London over the war in Gaza showed they did not believe in British values.

'Can you imagine how offensive that is?'

Mr Farage also claimed: “No one in history has allowed more people to potentially fight against British values ​​than Mr Sunak.”

The reform president said there was a contrast between Muslims and people from the West Indies who share a heritage with Britain.

But Sir Trevor, whose parents were of the Windrush generation, challenged him and said British culture was imposed on him by British slave owners.

Sir Trevor said: “You are trying to say to me, ‘You guys are so different from other people’.”

“Can you imagine how offensive that would be to British Muslims?”

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Mr Farage responded by asking: “How many people in your community don’t speak English?” – Sir Trevor said, “We all speak English.” – He added that many British Muslims also spoke English.

The British reform chief said he was “not here to attack the Islamic religion” and insisted he had never done so.

Mr Farage said: “I'm criticizing members of that community. I'm not criticizing them. I'm telling the truth.”

“All I’m doing is actually saying that no one dares to tell the truth about this.

“In broader terms, the biggest problem facing this country is population explosion, and that won't be on the table in this election.

“Why? Because Labor started it and the Conservatives accelerated it. It has led to a problem of unimaginable proportions.”

Image: Mr Farage blames Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson for increased immigration.

Farage defends the outcome of Brexit.

Mr Farage also denied being responsible for the rise in immigration after Brexit, something he had campaigned for his entire life.

“It’s the biggest amount of cobbler I’ve ever heard in my life,” he said.

“What we did by leaving the European Union was to change policies that meant discriminating against the world, often against talent, in favor of an open door with the European Union.

“What Brexit has done is give us back control of ourselves.”

He accused Boris Johnson of “setting standards and standards at the lowest possible level” and allowing students to bring dependents “when there is no space”.

He added: “If you want mass immigration, vote Conservative. If you want mass immigration, vote Labor.”

Earlier this week Mr Farage announced he would not run in the general election.

He told Trevor Phillips on Sunday morning that he had decided not to do so because he would have to “start from scratch” and six weeks was not enough time to campaign.




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