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Aid begins entering Gaza by land after US floating pier damaged by weather

Aid begins entering Gaza by land after US floating pier damaged by weather
Aid begins entering Gaza by land after US floating pier damaged by weather


Aid began flowing into the Gaza Strip from southern Israel on Sunday, after a US-made “floating pier” on the Mediterranean Sea was damaged by bad weather.

The new aid deployment is being routed through southern Israel due to disagreements with Egypt. The Israeli army took control of the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing, which has typically been used to transport aid throughout the conflict.

Egypt closed its side of the border when Israel took control of the Gaza side of the crossing, and said it would not reopen it until the Palestinians gained control.

Hundreds of humanitarian trucks passed through Israel's Kerem Shalom crossing over the weekend, but UN workers say they have had difficulty accessing aid due to heavy fighting nearby.

Aid has become even more vital due to the damage to the US-built “floating pier” on the Gaza coast. Rough seas detached four ships stabilizing the pier this weekend.

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Trucks loaded with humanitarian aid from the United Arab Emirates and the United States Agency for International Development pass through the Trident Pier before entering Gaza Beach, May 17, 2024. The pier has since been damaged by rough seas.

Two of the boats floated north and landed on a beach in Ashdod, Israel, while the other two remain anchored on the beach near the pier, according to the Wall Street Journal.


“Efforts to recover the vessels are underway with the assistance of the Israeli Navy,” US Central Command said.

The United States spent approximately $320 million on the construction of the pier, which served as a channel of aid to the United States and other countries. Although the pier was used to transfer approximately 569 tons of aid to Gaza, none of that aid had been delivered to the Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed.

Aid began flowing into Gaza from southern Israel on Sunday after a US-made “floating pier” on the Mediterranean Sea was damaged by bad weather.

Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, who serves as Pentagon press secretary, confirmed the aid delay in a statement to reporters Tuesday.

Approximately 1,000 U.S. troops participated in the pier construction efforts. The United States and Israel have stressed that no American troops entered Gaza during the operation, but three American soldiers were injured in accidents during operations at the pier last week.


Palestinians gather in hopes of getting aid delivered to Gaza via a US-built dock, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, seen from the center of the Strip from Gaza. (Reuters/Ramadan Abed/file photo)


The United States says the pier remains mostly operational despite damage sustained over the weekend. The Israeli Navy is participating in efforts to recover the two ships stranded in Ashdod, the Journal reported.

Anders Hagstrom is a Fox News Digital reporter covering national politics and major news events. Send tips to [email protected] or on Twitter: @Hagstrom_Anders.




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