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Libertarians choose Chase Oliver as US president like Trump, Kennedy rejected | US Election News 2024

Libertarians choose Chase Oliver as US president like Trump, Kennedy rejected |  US Election News 2024


The anti-war activist supports a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, as well as an end to U.S. military support for Ukraine and Israel.

The Libertarian Party in the United States has chosen a presidential candidate who has expressed support for a ceasefire in Gaza, rejecting nationally renowned former presidents Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as candidates, after they each spoke at the party convention.

Chase Oliver received about 60 percent of the Libertarian delegate vote in the final round of voting Sunday night.

We did it! I am officially the presidential candidate, Oliver posted on X after his nomination was approved. It is time to unite and move forward for freedom.

Third-party parties have rarely been competitive in the U.S. presidential election, and the Libertarian candidate won 1 percent of the vote four years ago.

But the party's decision is getting more attention this year because of the rematch between Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden, which could still hinge on slim vote margins in a handful of contested states.

In a speech on Sunday, anti-war activist Oliver pledged support for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza.

Prior to his nomination, Oliver said he had received the highest number of campaign donations of any Libertarian candidate.

On Saturday evening, Trump appeared in Washington at the Libertarian Convention to deliver a speech that was repeatedly booed by many in the room. It didn't pay off with the support he sought, although his Republican allies praised him for choosing to run in front of a hostile crowd.

Trump's appearance at the rally, unusual for a Republican candidate, also showed how seriously he and his campaign take the threat from third-party candidate Kennedy, who has long opposed vaccines and mandates.

Kennedy was quickly eliminated from the party's presidential nomination on Sunday. Still, he received a friendlier reception when he spoke Friday and attacked Trump and Biden for how they approached the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kennedy had expressed support for the Libertarians and support could have helped him speed up the process of getting to the ballot in all 50 states, perhaps the biggest obstacle he faces in qualifying for the first presidential debate held in June by CNN.

Libertarians prioritize small government and individual freedoms, with a mix of policy positions that could be considered liberal, conservative, or neither.

Oliver is an openly gay activist and politician from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia.

During his Senate campaign in Georgia, he ended up garnering enough votes to deny the two largest vote-getters an outright majority of 50 percent plus one, forcing a runoff that was later won by a democrat. This year, he could still play a spoilsport role in the presidential race.

The Olivers campaign website calls for deep cuts to the federal budget to balance it, abolish the death penalty, close all overseas military bases, and end the military support for Israel and Ukraine.

He also promised to appeal to America's 41 million young people, adding that voters are fed up with the status quo and negativity from the Democratic and Republican parties.

Oliver will be joined on the list by vice-presidential candidate Mike ter Maat, according to The Hill, a US news outlet.




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