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The British Reform candidate says Britain should have remained neutral in World War II.

The British Reform candidate says Britain should have remained neutral in World War II.


A British reform spokesman said it was probably true that Britain would have been better off had it remained neutral during World War II.

The claim comes after the BBC revealed Bexhill party and parliamentary candidate Battle had claimed Britain should have refused to fight Nazi Germany.

Ian Gribbin wrote online in 2022: “If Hitler’s offer of neutrality had been accepted, Britain would be in a much better place today. But Britain’s twisted mentality is to value strange notions of international morality rather than to care for its own people.”

Ian Gribbin represents the Reform Party in Bexhill and Battle.

In another comment, he added: “Especially in Britain, we need to get rid of the Churchill cult and recognize that Churchill was poor in both policy and military strategy.”

A reform spokesman told JC that Britain would have been better off had it not fought Nazi Germany, but that dealing with Hitler was nonetheless the right thing to do.

Britain lost a great deal of blood and treasure because of Churchill's decision to fight, he said.

If most of the establishment had sued for peace in the 1930s, as we wanted to in the first place, there would have been fewer deaths in the country. Historically, he has a point, but that's not what we did.

A spokesperson defended Gribbins' comments, adding: “We had no intention of firing him and he did nothing wrong.”

Candidates Bexhill and Battle also wrote that women are the sponge gender and only support men so they can breathe.

He said about Vladamir Putin:[He] We understand the bonds that create a more stable society. “The West’s hypocrisy is outrageous, as we face every day the enormous economic equality created by our deceptive neoliberal ideology.”

A Reform spokesman told the BBC: “Through archeology of the attack, the BBC discovered that Mr Gribbin had made a series of comments on a number of subjects.”

“I wrote this with uncomfortable perspectives and truths in mind. That doesn’t mean I support them, it just makes a point in a long-distance debate.

“His historical view of what Britain was capable of in the 1930s was shared by most British institutions at the time, including the BBC, and is probably true.

“Again, no support, just pointing out a conveniently forgotten truth.

“When it comes to feminist points, his tongue is so firmly in his cheek that you’ll be able to tell them from 100 yards away.”

Several other reform candidates have been suspended for far-right comments.

Stewart Sutherland, who stands for the Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney constituency in south Wales, resigned earlier this week after The Times reported that he had promoted a tweet by the leader of Britain First saying the political success of Sunak and Khan was evidence of a great replacement.

Hugo Miller, who stands for Horsham, was dropped from the party after social media posts surfaced in which he referred to black people as negroes and compared them to baboons.

Tony Mack, who stood for the party in Claxon before Nigel Farage intervened, shared a photo of a mural containing anti-Semitic tropes previously defended by Jeremy Corbyn.

He shared the image on TikTok and said that Reform is the only political party that stands against the globalist agenda.

Reform, founded as the Brexit Party in 2018, is a populist conservative movement led by Nigel Farage.

He campaigned against Covid lockdowns and said he offered voters common-sense policies on immigration, the cost of living and national sovereignty.




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