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There is an AI candidate running for the British Parliament

There is an AI candidate running for the British Parliament


As the UK heads into elections next month, a new breed of politician is emerging for the first time: AI candidates. AI Steve, the real-life avatar of Brighton-based businessman Steven Endacott, is running for parliament as an independent member.

Voters can not only vote for AI Steve, but also ask him about policy positions or raise issues themselves. AI Steve integrates suggestions and requests into the platform.

Endacott will be an in-person representative attending meetings and council sessions on behalf of AI Steve. He says he sees AI Steve as a way to allow for a more direct form of democracy. I think we're actually reinventing politics, using AI as our technology foundation, our co-pilot. This is not to replace politicians, but to really connect them to their audiences, their constituencies, says Endacott.

AI Steve is currently incorrectly listed on ballots as Steve AI, and Endacott is working to correct this.

AI Steve was designed by Neural Voice, an AI voice company chaired by Endacott. AI Steve can have up to 10,000 conversations at once, according to the company's co-founder Jeremy Smith. The key element, Smith says, is creating your own database of information. And here's how you can insert customer data as well.

The idea for AI Steve came from Endacott's own frustration with trying to get into politics to advocate for issues he cared about. I am very interested in the environment. A lot of changes are needed in government to actually help control climate change, he says. The only way to do that is to stop talking to the outside world, get inside the tent, and actually start changing policy. Endacott said that when he tried to run for office in the past few years, he felt all he did was worry about party competition and which seats or districts were safe rather than responding to the needs of real people.

AI Steve will be different, he argues. AI Steve records and analyzes conversations with voters and relays policy issues to validators, or ordinary people who can indicate whether they care about the issue or want a particular policy enacted.

Endacott says his team plans to contact commuters at Brighton train station, about an hour from London, and ask them to complete a short policy survey by email during their commute to and from the city to help them fill this role. .

We have a voting system of validators that actually check these policies to make sure they're common sense, and we can also control what Congress says we want to vote this way. Endacott says:

AI Steve has only been live for a day or so, but Endacott and Smith say the main concerns expressed by those who have contacted AI Steve are about local issues such as the Palestinian conflict and trash collection.

Endacott anticipates that his opinions and policy preferences may differ from those of AI Steve at some point, but he has expressed his intention to vote in line with voter preferences expressed through AI Steve.

Surely in a democracy, he says, this is what voters want. I know it sounds so obvious that politicians need their constituents to tell them what to do. And if he doesn't like it, you're out of luck. Get out of work.




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