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India beats USA in T20 Cricket World Cup matchExBulletin

India beats USA in T20 Cricket World Cup matchExBulletin


The loss to India means the United States has a critical match coming up on Friday against Ireland. This is the first time the tournament has been held in the United States


At the T20 Cricket World Cup, the United States narrowly fell short in their match against India, but the Americans still have a chance to advance in a competition tomorrow that brings the tournament to the United States for the first time. This is NPR's Becky Sullivan.

BECKY SULLIVAN, BYLINE: In this form of cricket, called T20, both teams get a turn to bat. We go first, see how many points they can score, then the second team has a chance to beat that total. On Wednesday, the United States struck first.



SULLIVAN: After a slow start, the United States scored 110 points – modest, but respectable – and maybe, just maybe, enough to win. Then came India's turn, and its star…


UNIDENTIFIED COMMENTATOR #1: Virat Kohli – two of the best to come out of Indian Shores.

SULLIVAN: The Indian cricketer is one of the most famous athletes in the world. He has nearly 270 million followers on Instagram, more than any athlete not named Messi or Ronaldo. On the other side of the bowling green for the United States was a software engineer named Saurabh Netravalkar. He finished, he threw the ball and Kohli sent it straight into the hands of an American player – the superstar out on his first ball, shocking the crowd and the Willow broadcasters.


UNIDENTIFIED COMMENTATOR #2: Oh, that took over. Netravalkar strikes.

SULLIVAN: In this match, the United States couldn't hold on. The momentum shifted and India put the match away. Yet Kohli's quick exit was an electric moment and emblematic of the competitiveness of this American team. United States head coach Stuart Law later told reporters.


STUART LAW: We stuck to our guns. We fought hard. We fought to the death. I think we showed fantastic character against one of the best teams in the world.

SULLIVAN: The U.S. team's performance at this month's World Cup was a surprise. It's been exciting for sports fans here in the United States, both diehard cricket fans and newcomers – and the players have noticed, captain Aaron Jones said.


AARON JONES: It's something we've talked about over the last couple of years, wanting more funding for American cricket, so this is the time where we're really taking advantage of it.

SULLIVAN: In the crowd Wednesday was Rutz Pat. He lives in Pennsylvania and traveled to New York for the game. He told member station WSHU that he would be happy if either team won.


RUTZ PAT: Yes, I grew up in India. Then I came to the United States 10 years ago, and the United States gave me everything, so I support both countries. They gave me work, they gave me money and I am happy. I am so happy here.

SULLIVAN: With yesterday's victory, India advanced to the next stage of the tournament – and the United States could do so as well with a victory against Ireland on Friday. Becky Sullivan, NPR News.


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